Tagged: CFNM

What are these ladies looking at?



One peculiar byproduct of the Internet/cell phone age: The flasher who films women who are filming him as he flashes them.  Follow that?

There is an anonymous flasher, apparently in Spain or some nearby country, who is a master at his “craft.” He boards a bus or subway train, clad in loose shorts with no underwear, and then sits spread-legged on a bench. Eventually, some comely girl or a group of them will sit across from him on a facing bench. Concealed somewhere on his person – evidently near his crotch – is a small video camera.

We all know how observant females are, particularly when it comes to others’ dress (or lack thereof), so it’s not surprising that in no time at all these bench-seated ladies notice our friend the flasher and the fact that his willie is on display. (In most of the videos, the guy furnishes a glimpse of his exposed noodle before panning back to whichever woman happens to be sitting across from him.)

Very soon after spotting his (rather small) appendage, the ladies invariably – probably 90 percent of them do this – train their phone-cameras on his penis to capture a souvenir. It’s all very bizarre.

We asked Rip van Dinkle to comment on this phenomenon via the screen captures below. Rip certainly knows what it’s like to have his penis laughed at (and filmed) by women who are strangers to him – hundreds of thousands of them, in fact. Possibly millions, thanks to numerous Web sites. That’s Rip serving wine to three sexy babes in the picture below.



We’ve also published the videos. Most of them come from the same source, an exhibitionist who goes by the name “pierced dick flasher,” or something like that. We call him the “Flasher King” (FK). 

Most of the videos — but not all of them — have sound.




Says Rip: “Notice how the women all seem to feel entitled to trophy photos of the guy’s private parts? You just know these women would be outraged if some dude captured an upskirt and then shared the picture with his buddies.

“Also, as guys we are admonished never, ever to send unsolicited dick pics. It’s OK, though, for girls to take unsolicited dick pics. Can you say ‘double standard’? It’s all about power and control, baby.” 


See the ugly bare knee at far left? It belongs to our hero, the Flasher King. His camera is concealed somewhere very near to his (exposed) crotch, and is trained on the lassies seated across from him. Girl on the left has just noticed FK’s dick and is sharing her discovery with the girl to her left.

The girl in the middle has a none-too-subtle peek.

Now all three of them are in the know. They seem to be looking directly into the camera, which makes me admire how FK has cleverly concealed it. It must be quite small — the camera, that is, although FK, as you can see below, is also quite small.

Hmmm … now that the girls have this information, what will they do with it?

Chick on the right is first to come up with the brilliant idea: film it with her phone’s camera, of course.

Such fun!

Girl in the middle: “Hey, I have a camera, too!”

The cutie on the left is delighted that her discovery has led to this.

Girl on the left: “Hey, I want a souvenir too.”

“There’s his little weenie.”

The giggling is over. Capturing this guy’s cock has become serious business.

Everyone gets a trophy!

The girl in the middle is quite pleased with her work.

Let’s compare notes.

These will be such fun to share! Not with their boyfriends, of course, but with other girlfriends.

OK, now that we’ve documented the evidence, let’s have another look at him.

Brunette on the left has a look at FK’s face. Evidently he’s quite good at hiding what he’s really up to. Is he pretending to sleep? Or is he watching his concealed camera’s work on his own cell phone? Either way, it’s a successful strategy.

Near the end of his videos, FK likes to either a) capture another angle of the girls, or b) capture a close-up view of their butts and/or legs.


The video:




The cute girl below is a nice example of an interesting phenomenon: When the ladies are in groups, their reaction to FK and his package is generally (in this order) shock/surprise, shared glee at the discovery, and then the serious business of filmed documentation.

On the other hand, when alone, like the girl below, stage two (glee) is either missing or disguised. In fact, this cutie seems downright horny.

The initial discovery.

Try as she might, she simply cannot stop looking.

We see this technique a lot: scratch your head or pretend to study your arm/hand, all the while sneaking more peeks.

She has nice legs.

“Is anyone else seeing this? Or do I have the view to myself?”

“Whew — this is making me hot.”

“If I slide back and down a bit, I can get a better view.”

“His cock is pierced.”

This caption was evidently inserted by FK himself. If he was indeed erect, it might explain the lustful look in the girl’s eyes.


The video:





The girl on the left below has an interesting reaction. At first, she resembles an archaeologist observing an intriguing find. But look at the girl on the right — is she completely oblivious, or is she busy filming?

I think she’s busy filming. The giveaway is her smirk a few screen captures below.

Girl on the left doesn’t seem worried about getting caught staring. Makes me think FK is doing his sleeping and/or phone-screen-study routine.

“Ooohhh … I have a camera too!”

As sexual kinks go, this one seems pretty clearly a win win win. The girls get what they want, FK gets what he wants, and we get to see the whole thing.

Girl on the right seems unimpressed. Probably because she’s been busy capturing the same view.

Girl on the left is quite pleased with herself, seems to be thinking: “Look at that stupid guy; he has no idea I just filmed his little pecker!”

Now that she has him on film, time to study his manhood a bit more.

Isn’t this fun?

Wait … she’s not making the “small penis” sign, is she?

“Hmmm … wonder what that little thing would feel like.”


The video:





Girl on the right has a secret to share.

Once again, looking straight into the camera. How does he conceal it?

Girl on the left has suddenly gotten happy.

“I see London, I see France, he ain’t got no underpants.”

The hand/arm/scratching routine begins.

To my mind, this hand/arm business makes your peeking more conspicuous, not less.

Enjoying the view.

Sure, nothing obvious about what you’re doing.


The video:





The brunette on the right below is very into this situation. What would she think, one wonders, if some creepy dude was following her around taking upskirts?

Telling her friend. Friend’s initial disbelief.

“You’re right … I can see it.”

Camera time!

Wonder if it has a zoom lens. Somewhere out there, there exists footage of FK’s face. There must be, with this many girls filming him.


We can both do this, swap videos later.

Girl on the right wants to see FK’s face.

Brunette on the right, satisfied that FK is clueless, studies his junk.

Ladies at leisure.

“That’s a good one.”

Girl on right gets up to get another angle. FK takes the opportunity to nearly nab an upskirt.

Not sure if she’s hoping to get another view of his package or of his face.

Hands to the face, the sneaky photographer.

Pretty brazen here. Makes me think his eyes might be closed.

Looks like she got what she wanted.


The video:





Here’s another sociological experiment. It’s all fun and games when there are two girls, but as soon as the girl on the left is alone, capturing FK’s cock becomes serious business. *

“Is that what I think it is?”

Girl on the right is clueless.

Dark-haired girl simply must share this information.

Girl on right has to leave. FK has to film her butt.

Alone now. Time to get serious.

“Ahh yes, there it is.”

“Oh, I got him good!”


The video:


* My bad. Upon re-viewing the video, the brunette is not left alone. Her friend stands up to pose for a (ruse?) photo – apparently providing cover for a surreptitious shot of FK.




Something about these long-haired brunettes. It’s almost as if they have prepared for and expected this moment their entire lives, and are more than ready to document the event once it finally happens.

Girl on left is first to make the discovery.

Girl on the right frightens me. Scary looking.

Camera in the purse …

Seems like she might have done this before.

Girl on left has another look.

Scary girl on right shows she is capable of smiling.

Good shot!

FK nails some legs.


The video:





OK, this is not FK’s work. It’s some other dude, and it might be staged. I’m not convinced that the two girls in the background would react this way to a man who is so brazenly stroking his cock just a few feet away. Then again, perhaps some girls would. You be the judge.

Girl on the left does not appear to be filming him; her camera’s at the wrong angle.

Blondie on the right is a cutie, but is she really a stranger to the flasher?

Filming him now.

I don’t know. Her facial expressions seem genuine.

Girl on left appears to capture some footage on her way out.

We’ve edited the ending of the video below because it’s gross. Let’s just say he has a happy ending.


The video:





The girl at far left interests me. Although she could be filming FK in the screen capture above, mostly she seems much less intrigued by the flasher than are the other girls.

Open-mouthed lass learns about the wayward penis from girl in white.

Girl in white gets busy filming.

Chick on far left is told the big news, seems only mildly interested.

She gets up to leave and FK nails an upskirt. Are those black granny panties?

Serious peeking.


The video:





They just planned to go shopping. Did not expect this.

Gotta love those cell phone cameras.


The video:





Brunette second from left is first to spot the penis. Girl at far left maintains her composure until she can no longer maintain her composure.

The peeking-beneath-my-arm tactic.

Girl at far right has apparently never seen a grown man’s penis. Or a pierced one.

Blonde at far left can no longer contain it.

FK captures the brunette’s ass.


The video:





Reserved Asian girl. Will she betray her true feelings?


Still filming.

I see a smirk!

The satisfied look of a job accomplished.


The video (at about 2:40):





This is the second video on this page that I feel might be staged. Everything is too perfect. Again, this is not an FK video.

Supposedly, this girl eventually spots the guy’s camera. She then gets pissed off. Maybe so. Maybe not.

Very high quality capture … if it is for real.

Scrunch face.

Girl on the right seems oblivious.

The look of triumph.

Actually, since there are two girls in this video, it’s a bit less likely to be staged.

This is where she allegedly spots his camera.


The video:





FK has found another extremely attractive girl. She has found his penis.

Must film it.

Another near-upskirt when she leaves.


The video:





This chick was about to fall asleep when she looked between FK’s legs.

She’s awake now.

Anyone else seeing this?

Must examine his dick … small.

Check out his face.

Second look.


The video (see video above for “Reserved Asian Girl,” at about 3:45)







Geez, wonder how many hours FK spent on the train or subway or whatever. He certainly filmed lots of ladies. And lots of ladies certainly filmed him. Not these two, however.




Soccer moms spot something to brighten their day.




Thinks she’s pretty sneaky. Thinks she’ll film his cock.


The video (see video above for “extremely attractive” girl, at about :40)




The girl on the right enjoys the show. Not sure if the feminist on the left agrees.

Feminist on left: “Typical stupid male. Doesn’t even realize his sex organs are on display.”




Don’t have a clue what she’s thinking. But she has mastered “the stare.”


The video (see video above for “extremely attractive” girl, at about 3 minutes)




Female on the left looks angry about something. But FK’s prick cheers her up. Maybe. Hard to tell.

Chick on the right gets the perfect angle. Does her camera have a zoom?

They have a job to do.

Girl on right admires her work.




She is alone, so this will be all business.




She looks like a Women’s Studies professor. Perhaps she is. Doing research for class.




If she’d turn just a bit, FK could film her junk while she films his.


The video:





If she just leans forward a bit, can get a better view …




Over the years, we’ve all heard a lot about the “male gaze.” We’ve also been told that men, in general, are more visually oriented than are women.

But watching these subway videos makes me wonder. What you see in this post is an awful lot of “gazing” – and photographing – for a gender that’s supposedly not into looking at naked men.



The video:





Last but by no means least, two girls on a bus. This guy, like FK, provides a quick glimpse of his junk so that we know what the girls are looking at.


Nothing to see yet. Just a boring bus ride.

They’ve seen it.

Camera time.

Would they smile like that if he was hung like a horse? Or would they be awestruck? We’ll never know.

Blonde decides to hide behind her cup while she films. Very clever.

Mission accomplished. One more look as they get off the bus.


The face of a girl who is looking at your cock.


The video:





The Face of a Girl Who Is Examining Your Cock When She Thinks You Aren’t Looking






And finally, just in case you have neither the time nor the inclination to watch all of the videos above, someone has created a nifty little compilation video. Here it is:




© 2010-2025 grouchyeditor.com (text only)



The Smallest Penis in Brooklyn pageant may be no more, but original contestant Rip van Dinkle’s infamy was alive and well in 2017. Podcasters, radio hosts, and bloggers — most of them female — were happy to amuse themselves and their listeners/readers by pubicly publicly evaluating Rip and his tiny tool.

So what was it like to have his penis fall under the critical gaze of American women?



Do most women feel like conservative Tomi Lahren (below) when it comes to puny-peckered men like Rip?



Who’s Checking Out Rip’s Dinkle?

(Click on pictures for a larger view)





Celinda Appleby (above) co-hosts a podcast called The Spark. She set up an interview with Rip to discuss wee peckers. Fellow guest Shoshana (click audio, below) had a question for Rip about the pageant:


“Like, do you all whip it out and somebody takes a ruler? Do I get to eye your penis?”

Uhh, yes and yes, Shoshana. See pictures at the top and bottom of this post.








Kat Grudowski (above) is a Wisconsin filly who blogs at The Sex Kitten. Kat wasn’t at all hesitant to ask – and then share on her blog – the most intimate questions about Rip’s manhood, no matter how potentially embarrassing.



Says Rip: “I was a bit surprised by her article. Normally, when I do these interviews, the girl prints my stage name and is fairly positive in tone. But Kat pretty much took out her scalpel and castrated me in public, even mentioning my penis size down to the centimeter. I guess these millennial girls are so angry at older men right now that Kat couldn’t resist the opportunity to snip off my balls.

“It certainly wasn’t the first time a female blogger posted every embarrassing sexual detail about me. I got emasculated by Lizzi (click here) and Alicia (click here), too.”




From Kat’s post on The Sex Kitten:



On a scale of one to ten, one being smallest and ten being biggest, where would Kat put Rip’s manhood? That’s Rip on the left in the picture below.










August McLaughlin, a fellow Minnesotan now living in Los Angeles, seemed disappointed to learn that the small-penis pageant wasn’t entirely an “anti-body shaming” event. That didn’t stop August from giggling about “dinky winkies” as she introduced Rip on her podcast:

“If you [listeners] have engaged in some dinky winkie, did you actually think it was funny?”


Rip: “She’s a Minnesota girl, so she’s probably seen her share of shriveled cocks.”

Here is August discussing small cocks with Rip:










The Practical Joke


Years before the small-penis pageant, Rip had some fun at the expense of local radio personality Kevyn Burger. Using the alias of a spurned ex named “Maggie,” Rip e-mailed Burger about a (fake) Web site in which “Maggie” had posted naked pictures of her ex (Rip in a hot tub).

Rip: “If ever there was a ‘mom’ radio show, this was it. I think Kevyn and her friends were genuinely shocked at the sight of my bone at half-mast. Speaking of which … I’m a grower, not a shower, so that partial erection is atypical.

“I e-mailed Burger after the show, using another fake profile and pretending to be a woman hoping to see the nude pictures. Burger said she couldn’t forward the link but assured me the photos were ‘choice.’”


Click below to hear the segment on FM107 in which Kevyn and two gal pals discuss Rip’s nude pictures:





Kevyn Burger:  “So I click on it [the link] and hello — there he was in all his glory, and I was just blushing and clicked away.”


 Above, the photo that made Burger blush (from the shoulders down, that is)


KB:  “Is this humiliating for a guy, to be pictured naked on the Internet?”

KB:  “Well, the picture of this guy on the Web site, I forwarded it to you ladies –”

Gal Pals:  “Yes!”

Gal Pal 2:  “I just about died.”

KB:  “He looks pretty proud.”

Gal Pal 2:  “He’s wearing himself a big old smile.”

KB:  “And nothing else!”

Gal Pal 1:  “And nothing else.”

Gal Pal 2:  “Just his birthday suit.”

KB: “I don’t know if he’s exactly identified.”

Gal Pal 2:  “We see everything else.” (laughter)

Gal Pal 1:  “I think we can see the identifying marks.”






Podcasters Rachel Khona and Abbi Stern, pictured above at the 2014 Smallest Penis in Brooklyn pageant, interviewed Rip for their podcast Have You Seen My Panties? Click below to hear the interview:









Rip was interviewed by “Simone” (not her real name, above right) and Nicoletta Heidegger (above left) for their podcast, Sluts & Scholars.

Simone got right to the point: “How small is your dick?” she asked Rip.

About 1.5 inches, Rip revealed.


“How small is your dick?” she asked Rip.


Simone told Rip that she researched him on the Internet, and was “aghast” by the negative comments she read about him and other men with wee willies:

“A lot of women [were] shaming Rip for his small dick, saying like, ‘I couldn’t feel that even if it were inside me,’ or, ‘It would be like a finger … how on earth dare you be OK with your small penis?’” 

Simone went on to interpret society’s attitude toward men with small cocks:

“The penis is the epitome of maleness, and the more male you are, the bigger your dick is. We as a society are bombarded with imagery of women deriving pleasure from deep penile thrusting,” Simone  said.

Imagery like the scene below from Any Given Sunday, in which Cameron Diaz eyeballs a big black cock in the locker room:



Simone continued: “I once had sex with a man who had a really small penis and he was, um, kind of apologetic about it. So he just spent a really long time going down on me. And I didn’t really feel the need to be like, ‘I would rather you do this anyway.’”

Says Rip: “That little girl (“Simone”) gave me erections twice. First, when I watched her juicy booty swivel back and forth in the video (below), and again when I heard her comment on the podcast about getting balled — a lot.” (Scroll down for the audio clip.)





Simone’s podcast comment:


For the deaf or hard-of-hearing, here’s a transcript:

“For me personally, I’m someone who’s fucked a lot of people right away.”


Says Rip: “She’s an aspiring actress. I’d imagine there are low-budget producers in Hollywood who would be interested in a girl who will ‘do the deed’ with guys she’s just met. You know, like other actors.

“Maybe we could co-star in a remake of I Spit on Your Grave. She’d play the girl who gets gang-banged in the woods. I’d play the mentally challenged dude with a tiny cock who also gets a piece. Oh, and it would be unsimulated sex, of course!”




Nicoletta Heidegger, above, told Rip: “We will show your dick [on social media]. Because we think it’s important.”

Below, Nicoletta (left) and Simone (right) contemplate sex with Rip’s small pecker. Just kidding. We have no idea what they’re doing. Below the pictures, more random comments from the podcast.





“Most of the [female pageant] attendees, in your experience … come for the freak show aspect of it, to laugh at it, to shame, to mock? That’s OK with you?” 



“I don’t know what’s longer, your dick beard or your face beard.”

“Once you were there and you saw people were taking pictures, how do you feel knowing that there are pictures of you out there? Do you like it? Does it turn you on? Are you worried about your job?”

“They [Rip’s nieces] saw your dick pics. That is the name of this episode: ‘Uncle Rip’s Wiener.’”




One happy side effect of Rip’s interview on Sluts & Scholars: The show’s promotonal Tweet was retweeted by one of Rip’s favorites – 1980s porn queen Nina Hartley, pictured below.





Listen to the full podcast below:






Recently divorced Marlena (above) is a Chicago preschool teacher who blogs at Modern & Blissful. Marlena, like fellow Midwesterner Kat, wasn’t bashful when it came to prying personal, sexual information out of Rip. Some examples:


Marlena: “How many women have you had sex with?”

“Do you prefer vaginal or oral sex?”

“How wide is your penis?”

“Do condoms impact your ability to maintain erections and cum?”

“How does having a small penis affect your life?”

Rip:  “Some women actually prefer a small sex organ to a very large one.”

Marlena: “I can attest to that! Huge dicks can be painful during extra penetrating positions such as doggie style.”



Marlena: “Would you ever consider becoming a porn star?”


Rip got excited after discussing doggie-style sex, oral sex, masturbation, and spread buttocks, so he decided to hit on Marlena. Alas, she informed Rip that she was “taken” and not into guys with “long beards.” Oh, well.



You can read Marlena’s interview with Rip by clicking here.








Rip attempted to renew his acquaintance with local news anchor Liz (that’s her on the right in the picture above, posing with Rip and another news girl), suggesting to Liz on Facebook that some nude sunbathing might be in order.



Readers might recall that when Rip first met Liz, she learned of his participation in the small penis pageant and was quite impressed.

After that, one of two things happened: Either Rip put his dinghy in the anchor (see below), or someone spent some time with Photo Shop.




I hooked up with some of the college football players living in my apartment building … it was fun.” — Jaye, the model who fingered Rip’s prick



“I’ve had numerous hookups with guys I never dated … these guys are typically hot. A few months ago, I hooked up with some of the college football players living in my apartment building … they’re all hot 18-year-old guys so it was fun.” — Jaye’s post on Facebook


You provide the players, Jaye provides the end zone




Photo (Shop) Fun!



 Kat dangles her panties in front of Rip, who can only enjoy the view


 Rachel doesn’t like little cocks; Rip can only fantasize


 Rip’s dinghy approaches the anchor









© 2010-2025 grouchyeditor.com (text only)


rip2Photo by Amy Minnick


We asked Smallest Penis in Brooklyn contestant Rip van Dinkle to find out if size matters — specifically, to find out if his size matters.

Rip revealed his (not quite) two-inch tool to a bevy of attractive women — about half of them in face-to-face … er, face-to-penis encounters, and the other half over Skype — and asked them to pass judgment.

And because we realize that not more than three or four people on the planet care to read a post loaded with pictures of Rip’s puny pecker, we included eye-candy shots of the girls who ogled Rip’s manhood.

The leering ladies ran the gamut: podcasters, bloggers, a sex writer, a photographer, models, bar managers, some sex workers, and a few “girls next door.” Here they are:



Who’s Looking at Rip’s Dick?


.                   aimeealeeya

                          Aimee                            Aleeya                            Sara


.                   cerseichristinecyndi

                          Cersei                            Christine                       Cyndi


.                   emilyjaye

                           Emily                             Jaye                              Sarah


.                   grouchyeditor.com Lilith

                           Marcie                            Lilith                          Sandra


.                   bishopdeejuli

                           Aiden                            Dee                               Juliana


.                   mistygrouchyeditor.com Abbi Sterngrouchyeditor.com Rachel Khona

                           Misty                             Abbi                          Rachel


.                   maggievivianamy

                           Maggie                          Vivian                           Amy


.                   alicia    grouchyeditor.com Melanie Rieders    grouchyeditor.com Poppins

                           Alicia                           Melanie                 Just Kidding 



The Podcasters:


.                   rachel rip3 abbi





Rachel Khona attended the Smallest Penis in Brooklyn pageant “to giggle at tiny penises and the men who would actually show them.” Khona, a sex writer, then invited Rip to discuss his package on her podcast, which she co-hosted with gal-pal Abbi Stern.

Rachel made it clear on the podcast that she would never, ever consider sleeping with someone like Rip, what with his puny pecker and all. Apparently, Rachel and Abbi wanted from Rip that rarest of things: a male who would actually confess in public that yes, his dick was lacking.


From the podcast:


Stern:  “It’s hilarious that anybody would want to advertise they have a small penis, because I don’t know how they’re ever gonna get ass after that.”

Khona:  “It’s sad. It feels like there’s a finger in you. Sometimes you don’t even know it’s there.”


. khona44    So what’s it like having a small penis? How big does it get?”


. rip2    “Are you counting limp? For me, that’s not quite two inches.”



Moral of the story:  If you are under-hung, you don’t get to fuck Rachel. But she will giggle at your little dick.



.                               khona1 khona2 khona3

.                               khona5      khona6      khona7

                                   Click on pictures for bigger views of Rachel






From Thought Catalog:






The Photo Shoot:



Photo by Amy Minnick


Rip’s participation in the Smallest Penis in Brooklyn pageant brought him Internet notoriety. But he doesn’t live in Brooklyn; he lives in Minneapolis.

Local photographer Amy Minnick recruited models Sara, Marcie, and Sandra (not their real names) to pose with naked-as-a-jaybird Rip. The goal was not to flatter the bearded, beer-bellied Baby Boomer. The goal was to depict how a group of sexy ladies might react to Rip and his mini member.

When Rip revealed his private parts to the ladies in these pictures, they were polite enough not to giggle at his shortcomings – at least not in front of him. In the picture below, Rip himself was not present, so the girls felt free to express how they really felt — especially with Rip’s organ pictured side-by-side with other, more fortunate males.


Photo by Amy Minnick




Sara was the most enthusiastic model. When photographer Amy needed a volunteer to check out Rip’s manhood with a magnifying glass, Sara did not have to be asked twice: 


Photo by Amy Minnick


Above, Sara zooms in on her subject matter. In the picture below, Rip owns the prick at far right. But you already guessed that.

We can’t imagine what Sara finds so funny. She probably felt sorry for the two chaps on the left.


Photo by Amy Minnick



                                     Click on pictures for bigger views of Sara




Sandra was required to strip down to black bra and thong panties. This presented a challenge for Rip. As the possessor of a tiny penis, would the sight of half-naked Sandra prompt a … physical change in him? Would his penile puniness be exposed as a fraud?


Photo by Amy Minnick


In the photo above, Sandra apparently sees something amusing in her wine glass.


Photo by Amy Minnick


Above, Rip conquers a potentially embarrassing boner by concentrating not on Sandra’s “fuck me, Rip” pose in the bed behind him but rather on … a strap-on dildo?


Photo by Amy Minnick


Sandra, who apparently hasn’t seen enough, uses binoculars to eyeball Rip’s junk. At least it wasn’t a telescope.



                                 Click on pictures for bigger views of Sandra






Marcie was the quiet, bashful model in the studio. We have no idea what she might have been thinking when she came face-to-face with Rip and his dangling noodle. But her smile seemed to indicate that she enjoyed his birthday-suit shame fame.


Photo by Amy Minnick

Above, the ladies (left to right: Marcie, Sara, and Sandra) try not to check out Rip’s none-too-impressive sex organ as he serves them wine 


Says Rip, “Mostly, the girls tried not to let me catch them staring at my crotch. They would sneak peeks when they thought I wasn’t looking. I did catch Sara having a look once or twice. They all had to stifle giggles.”




Moral of the story:  We asked Rip if this photo shoot, featuring naked him and four clothed women, was a humiliating experience. “OK, it wasn’t exactly a Playgirl centerfold shoot,” he said. “But hey, how many guys can say they spent three hours on a Saturday afternoon with four chicks ogling their junk?”

A very good point.

Alas, Rip did not get a piece of ass from these ladies. The girls did, however, enjoy emasculating him.




Hats off (pants off?) to Amy Minnick, the woman who took the, uh, interesting black-and-white photos. Not only did the lens on her camera not shatter, but she endured hours of close scrutiny of Rip’s hairy cock and balls. We’re guessing that, outside of Rip himself (and his ex-wife), no one has spent more time staring at his twig and berries than Amy has.

Then again, who knows? Maybe she enjoyed it. Amy is pictured below.


grouchyeditor.com Amy Minnick




From Thought Catalog:







Part 2


In Part 2, Rip has his dick measured by a Minnesota model and confesses his penis-pageant participation to sexy gal-pal Michele. Featuring video clips. Click here to go to Part 2.


© 2010-2025 grouchyeditor.com (text only)


(Click on any picture for a larger view)


We were curious about the backstage antics at Brooklyn’s annual small-penis pageant, and so we turned to two-time contestant Rip van Dinkle (above, at the 2015 contest) for some answers to our questions – and we had quite a few of them. Who, for example, is allowed in the contestants’ dressing room? Do participants suffer from pre-pageant jitters, or from the sudden realization that one’s penis will soon be on display for hundreds of boisterous women? Does Rip have bedroom fantasies about the women who saw (and judged) him in his birthday suit?


Grouchy Editor – Tell us about the scene in your dressing area before the pageants. Are women allowed in there?

Rip Van Dinkle – Oh, man, aside from the contestants, it’s all women backstage. Some of them are supposed to be there, like the pageant organizers and media people who are there for interviews. But there are some people who just wander in, with no real reason for being there except, I suppose, to ogle us. But there were also a few naked women backstage. In the first pageant, “Cherry Pitz” [Editor’s note: burlesque queen Cyndi Freeman] was in the show, and she stripped down to a black thong – and nothing up top – right in front of me.  I believe she was 49 at the time, and married, and looking hot. There was also a female musician parading around topless during the pageant this year.

One of the judges, Kate Hakala, kept walking into the room while we were dressing. She had no real reason to be down there, other than to check us out in the nude, I guess. I read the story she wrote about judging the pageant, and it seemed like she was very much on the prowl for small dicks. I guess she decided to see more of us than she was seeing on the stage.

GE – Tell us about the media.  It reminds us of female reporters in the men’s locker room at professional sporting events, which was quite controversial.

RVD – They say you have to be brassy to be a good reporter, and that was certainly true of the ballsy bunch I saw in the dressing area. A reporter from Gawker [Editor’s note: Victor Jeffreys II], one of the few male reporters, drew me aside to ask questions. At some point, I glanced down and saw that he was holding his cell-phone camera in front of my groin; he’d been taking close-up pictures during the interview. That kind of pissed me off, but he certainly got what he wanted. I checked out his story in Gawker and there were all these shots of my junk in huge close-up, including shots he took later when the judges were measuring our cocks on stage.


.   Stage2 Stage3 Stage4

Gawker published these intimate pictures of Rip submitting to penis-measurements by judges Cyndi Freeman, left, and Aimee Arciuolo, center.  At right, one of Jeffreys’ surreptitious crotch shots.


A female photographer at the first pageant spotted me sitting alone, drinking a Coke, and asked if she could take pictures. I said sure and brushed my hair a bit, but that was unnecessary because she wasn’t interested in my hair. She just kind of leaned over and stuck her camera between my thighs and began taking pictures. I should mention that I wasn’t completely naked; I was wearing one of those tuxedo thongs. But she and the Gawker guy were there to get pictures of our genitals and by God that’s what they got.

GE – You mentioned the foreign press …

RVD – Oh yes.  There was this gorgeous reporter from Brazil, Anna something [Editor’s note: Anna Gabriela Ribeiro], and she came up to ask me questions. One thing almost every interviewer asks me is, “How small is your penis?” She didn’t ask me that, which I thought was kind of odd until I realized what I was wearing. We didn’t have mirrors to look at ourselves backstage, and this was our first costume, which I thought covered us up. I was wrong. It was black underwear but with a see-thru patch right over the genitals, so this girl had a clear view of my twig and berries, dangling just inches below her notepad. She would have no trouble describing my shortcomings for her readers. It might also have explained the smile on her face while she was interviewing me. She also took pictures during the show. Several of them popped up on Spanish-language Web sites.


.                  Stage5  Stage6  Stage7

Ribeiro and what she saw while interviewing Rip


GE – OK, enough about journalists. Who else was in the dressing room?

RVD – At both pageants, Aimee Arciuolo was there helping us adjust our costumes. She was the creator of the pageant and had a hand in designing the costumes.  She wanted us as exposed as possible, and told me before the first pageant that our underwear would be as transparent as plastic wrap. For the 2015 pageant, Bobbie Chaset pretty much took over managing duties, so she was always around. Legally, we weren’t supposed to get completely naked during the show, but I discussed flashing the audience with Bobbie beforehand and she encouraged me to do it. So I did.

GE – Anyone else backstage?

RVD – There were the “penis kittens,” of course. They had various duties, but mostly they just had to look cute. Some of them, I think, used Super Soakers to wet our crotches before the penis measuring.


“Penis Kittens” from left to right: Racheal, Audrey, Amanda


GE – We should come clean here. We really aren’t interested in hearing any more about your experiences at the pageant. What we really wanted to do was find an excuse to run pictures of some of the good-looking women associated with the contest. We wanted to turn the tables on some of the females who ogled you guys. We’d love your comments on these pictures.

RVD – Excellent. Let’s do it.

GE – We’d also like you to give us a favorite sex fantasy about each of them.

RVD – That sounds sexist. Count me in.




“Rip van Dinkle flew in from Minnesota to shake his shrimpy spigot before 100 onlookers.” Erin Calabrese and Kate Briquelet, New York Post





The Leering Ladies


Pageant creator/manager/judge Aimee Arciuolo


.                  Stage10    Stage11    Stage12

.                  Stage13    Stage14    Stage15


RVD – Aimee has a great rack and nice legs. I guess she could relate to us guys in the pageant since she’s a bit of an exhibitionist, herself. Until I saw these pictures, I had no idea she let her tits hang out in public. Great-looking tits, blue or any other color.

Aimee told Gothamist that she and her friends discussed ways to make us get erections during the pageant, I suppose so they could measure us limp-dicked and also with boners. Aimee really wanted to give the females in the bar a good show. She was upset that a city ordinance wouldn’t let us show cock, so she and her mother designed “penis tuxedoes” so that our balls hung out for all to see.

But I was game for anything at the pageant. If Aimee had said to me, “Rip, there are women with cameras out there who want their money’s worth. Will you ejaculate on stage so they can get souvenir pictures?” I would have said to her, “Yes, ma’am. If that’s what you want, no problem.” Humiliating, I suppose, but I’m sure she would have loved that.


“If Aimee had said to me, ‘Rip, there are women with cameras out there who want their money’s worth. Will you ejaculate on stage so they can get souvenir pictures?’ I would have said to her, ‘Yes, ma’am.’”


.                  Stage16

.                  Stage17

.                  Stage18

Rip: “For a woman who claims to favor small dicks, Aimee looks pretty pleased to see Flo Rida’s big pecker.”


RVD – These screen caps and the video below are from the first pageant. A guy calling himself Flo Rida broke the rules and flashed his dick. I’m pretty sure this kind of rule-breaking pleased Aimee, even though she acts shocked in these pictures.


Rip’s Sex Fantasy:  She’s kind of a show-off, so I’d love to do her doggie-style on stage. At a biker bar. Hey – remember, this is the girl who put me through the indignity of measuring my penis on stage in front of a bar full of women. With cameras.


In the video above, Cyndi (big wig) and Aimee measure little manhoods on stage. Rip is the contestant in the middle.




Bartender/manager Bobbie Chaset



Rip is interviewed by Rolling Stone while Bobbie Chaset, right, looks on


.                    Stage20  Stage21  Stage22


RVD – These pictures surprise me. They must be some years old. I thought Bobbie was too reserved to dress in such a sexy costume and in such “fuck me” poses. Also, are those panties see-thru? Looks to me like some pussy hair poking through, but that could be my wishful thinking.

Rip’s Sex Fantasy:  Those pictures remind me of bondage. It would be fun to tie her up, put a gag in her mouth, and do her on stage. At a biker bar.




Journalist Anna Gabriela Ribeiro


.                  Stage23   Stage25



RVD – After she interviewed me, she took a bunch of pictures during the contest. They were published on South American Web sites, but I noticed my crotch was “black barred” in them.

Rip’s Sex Fantasy:  Probably we’d do a scene for a Brazilian porno flick. Does Brazil have porno flicks?




“Penis Kittens” Amanda Hollenbeck, Audrey Selles-Czuk, Racheal Selles-Czuk


.                 Stage26  Stage27  Stage28

Left to right: Racheal Selles-Czuk, Amanda Hollenbeck, Audrey Selles-Czuk


RVD – Honestly, I’m not sure what they did. I believe they were supposed to hose our crotches with Super Soakers, but it was too chaotic to notice who was squirting what. Cute girls, though. Look at Amanda – doesn’t she look like some glamorous 1940s film star?

Rip’s Sex Fantasy:  Racheal and Audrey are sisters, so of course we’d have a threesome. Amanda has kind of that classic, movie-star look, so I’d do her classic missionary-style. At a biker bar.




Burlesque queen Cyndi Freeman


.                  Stage29         Stage30         Stage31

.                  Stage32  Stage33

.                  Stage34


RVD – Looks pretty good for 50, doesn’t she? I guess she has a very understanding husband, since she spends so much time parading around half-naked in front of other men. She struck me as one horny lady. During the second pageant, which I did not attend, she basically dry humped a contestant who, from the look of the pictures, was wearing only a shirt – no underwear. In other words, Cyndi in her thong grinding pussy against his genitals. [Editor’s note: See GIF at bottom] She also seems to enjoy eyeballing Flo Rida’s big prick in the pictures [above and below]. And she was one of the judges who measured my manhood on stage.


grouchyeditor.com Cyndi Freeman


Rip’s Sex Fantasy:  I think she’s kinky, so I’d have her down on her knees, giving me head while her husband watches. By the way, Cyndi once did a soft-core TV show for Showtime. It has Cyndi tits, Cyndi ass, Cyndi getting groped and fucked by a sleazy dude – check it out.





Gawker reporter Victor Jeffreys II




RVD – Annoying dude, but he was there for dick pics and he got them – especially mine. [Editor’s note: That’s Jeffreys below the yellow arrow in the picture, watching Dinkle get measured.]

Rip’s Sex Fantasy:  Go fuck yourself. Although there is a scene in Deliverance that comes to mind.




Judges Natalie Shure, Kate Hakala, Krystyna Hutchinson


.                   Stage36  grouchyeditor.com Kate Hakala  Stage38

Left to right, judges Shure, Hakala, Hutchinson


RVD – The brunette, Krystyna Hutchinson, was super hot. The other brunette in the glasses looks hot in her picture, but what you can’t tell from it is that she is a very big girl. Big everywhere. Not my cup of tea.  The last judge, Kate Hakala, wrote an article for Mic and bragged about having “evaluated cock constantly.” I guess now she can add mine to her checklist.

Rip’s Sex Fantasy:  Krystyna, anal sex. Natalie, boob sex. Kate, I’d have to see how she evaluated my cock on her list.




The 2015 judges were unimpressed by Rip’s puny pecker, pictured above. After finishing in second place at the 2013 pageant, Rip and his (normally) 1.5-inch penis experienced shrinkage, demoted to fourth place by the prick-analyzing female judges.




Gothamist photographer Melanie Rieders


.                  Rieders1     Rieders2     Rieders3

Rieders enjoys hanging with big dicks (far right) as well as wee ones


grouchyeditor.com Melanie Rieders


RVD – This girl Melanie probably captured the most explicit shot of my wiener (below). I was surprised to see it posted on Gothamist, which is a fairly mainstream Web site, because her photo doesn’t leave anything to the imagination. From the stage, I didn’t notice her, but she must have been in the front row and prepared for my flash, because I didn’t have my bathrobe open for more than a few seconds.



Photo by Melanie Rieders


grouchyeditor.com Melanie Rieders

 Rieders in the crowd, moments after capturing a shot of Rip’s dick


Rip’s Sex Fantasy:  I looked her up on the Web and discovered a bikini shot of her (below). My God, does she have a humpable, pumpable little ass, or what? I’m thinking I’d do her doggie-style, right there on that raft. Guys like me aren’t built for big-bottomed girls, because we have to make it past all that butt cheek, but Melanie’s perky bubble butt? I’m thinking I could squeeze into that.







Cyndi Freeman, aka Cherry Pitz, dry humps a bare-bottomed contestant


To read more about Rip’s adventures at the Smallest Penis in Brooklyn pageant, click here or here.


© 2010-2025 grouchyeditor.com (text only)


A candid conversation with the small-penis hero about pageants that exploit the male body, Brazilian female reporters, and seeing pictures of your junk all over the Internet.


Rip van Dinkle a Rip van Dinkle b 

.      Photo by Melanie Rieders                               Photo by Lauren Spinelli                                Photo: The Village Voice


When a small dive in Brooklyn announced plans in 2013 to produce the world’s first beauty pageant for men with small dicks, the public’s reaction was barely noticeable. Two years and three pageants later, media and the populace continue to be underwhelmed, save for a brief period in the summer during which Internet trolls seize the opportunity to send snarky links about pageant registration to ex-boyfriends and other enemies, along with directions to Kings County Saloon in Brooklyn. 

Perverts and people bored out of their minds eventually took notice of the men who enter these absurd contests, and we recently caught up with one of those men, two-time contestant (2013, 2015) Rip van Dinkle.  Although van Dinkle didn’t win The Smallest Penis in Brooklyn crown (he placed second at the inaugural pageant), worldwide Internet coverage of the event have led many females to view him as the quintessential “short-dick man.”

We sent an intern to interview van Dinkle, mostly because no one else wanted the job. Our intern reports: “Van Dinkle in person is much as you might expect: disheveled, perverse, and lazy. He’s an unapologetic dirty old man. After inviting me into his cruddy one-bedroom apartment in a Minneapolis suburb, he insisted that we watch back-to-back episodes of his favorite TV show, Schitt’s Creek, before commencing the interview.”


“In Brooklyn, they do the man’s smallest package competition – and I’m not saying that’s ugly, I’m just saying that’s different.” Joanne Nosuchinsky on Red Eye.


PLAYBOY:  Before we get started, I’d like to agree on a few ground rules. For example, we’ll be talking a lot about the penis, specifically your penis, and I just wondered which term you’d prefer to use. For example, “penis,” “sex organ,” “phallus,” “pecker,” and so on.

DINKLE:  Sounds good. I enjoy them all.

PLAYBOY:  OK.  I’m sure you’ve noticed there are pictures of your penis on the Internet. Most men might not feel flattered by these pictures, especially since your sex organ appears to be the size of a Vienna sausage. In Web site comments about your penis, it’s been described as “puny,” which our dictionary defines as “small and weak; not very large, impressive, or effective.” Women’s magazine Cosmopolitan called you and your fellow contestants the “anti-Jon Hamms.” The clear implication is: “small penis equals sexually undesirable.” They are attacking your virility and suggesting that you are lacking below the belt. Your thoughts?

DINKLE:  I may not know much, but I know not to argue with Webster’s dictionary or Cosmopolitan magazine.

PLAYBOY:  Moving on … critics have complained about the proliferation of penis pictures on the Internet, arguing that this kind of thing is not something America’s girls should be exposed to, and that no good can come of it.

DINKLE:  I’ve watched Jerry Springer.  I’m aware that out-of-wedlock births are a real problem in this country. If the image of my wiener burned into her brain can frighten just one American girl away from sex, I don’t see how that’s a bad thing.

PLAYBOY:  There was a lot of Web-site coverage of the Brooklyn pageant, including stories on mainstream sites like Jezebel, Cosmopolitan, The New York Post, The Daily Beast, Rolling Stone, Maxim, and The Village Voice. But aside from a few jokes by late-night comedians Seth Meyers and Conan O’Brien, mainstream TV seems to have ignored it. Any idea why?

DINKLE:  The penis frightens network TV.  The vagina does, too. I think the censors will let them say the words penis and vagina, as long as they don’t dwell on them.  They did discuss our pageant on Red Eye, but that was at 3 in the morning. And Kendra Wilkinson giggled about us on her show, but who watches her show?

PLAYBOY:  Yes, Kendra seemed amazed that you guys would actually show your small cocks in such a public setting. For the record, what is the size of your penis?

DINKLE:  Everyone wants to know that. [Sex writer] Rachel Khona asked me that question on her podcast.  A writer named Alicia asked me that for her blog. You can find my statistics on Wikipedia [Editor’s Note: his statistics were recently removed from the pageant’s Wikipedia page], but I’ll save you the trouble: flaccid, about 1.5 inches long; girth, just under 3 inches. Obviously, at times it’s bigger than that. Not that it’s any of your business. Or Wikipedia’s business.

PLAYBOY:  How big are your testicles?  They look small.

DINKLE:  I can’t believe you asked that. How does one measure one’s balls? Weigh them? I suggest you Google my pictures on the Web and make your best guess.


“If they’d been able to get our dicks erect, they probably would have done that. Who knows, they might have even had us ejaculate on stage.


PLAYBOY:  Judging from their comments and tweets, it seems that some famous women have seen pictures of your junk, or at least read about the pageant. Women like Miley Cyrus, Joanne Nosuchinsky, and Kendra Wilkinson all discussed the contest. Have you heard from any of them?

DINKLE:  Certainly not, but I’m sure that after this interview goes out, my phone will be ringing off the hook. And yes, I still have a phone on a hook.

PLAYBOY:  You don’t think most female interest is of a mocking nature?

DINKLE:  Can’t imagine why.

PLAYBOY:  So you don’t feel exploited by the women who run the pageant, or by the ensuing media coverage? For example, the blogger you mentioned earlier, Alicia, posted a high-resolution, huge picture of your nubbin and also published personal information about you, including admissions you made about your sexual shortcomings. Khona said on her podcast that she would never consider sleeping with a “small” man and then asked you about the size of your “small penis.” The photographers who captured explicit shots of your male organs for sites like Time Out New York and Gothamist were young women.  They had no qualms about exposing your genitals on the Internet. Schoolgirls are mocking your “manhood.” Doesn’t it seem like they are all laughing at your expense?

DINKLE:  Could be. But hey, a good laugh is hard to come by these days. Someone suggested that the whole point of the pageant is the revenge of feminists, who are tired of wet t-shirt contests and titty bars: “We’re gonna exploit you guys,” they say, “but we’re not gonna celebrate your body, we’re gonna laugh at it.” Now, the ladies who created this pageant will deny that kind of mean-spirited motivation, but sometimes I wonder …. This interview is boring. Let’s watch some more Creek.


[Editor’s Note: 30-minute pause here to watch an episode of Schitt’s Creek.]


PLAYBOY:  It remains a mystery to a lot of people why anyone would participate in this pageant, which they see as humiliating, degrading. It doesn’t seem likely that men enter for the money, which is just $500. What did you get out of it?

DINKLE:  Well, it’s true that the pageant isn’t as good as sex, but it is kind of a sex fantasy – at least if you have any exhibitionist in you. It’s hundreds of young women at the bar – possibly millions of girls when you count Internet views – having a look-see at your package and then having that image planted in their memory. Now, that image might repulse them, or it might attract them, but it will make some of them think about having sex with you and your little penis, so in that sense you’re kind of mind-fucking them. That’s a turn-on.

PLAYBOY:  Sounds suspiciously like masturbation fodder to us.

DINKLE:  Good point. If you are an attractive woman and you giggled at or talked about my little penis, there’s a good chance I’ve masturbated about you. Hey, it’s only fair.

It’s a win-win-lose situation. I win because I get to show my junk to so many women. Women win because they get to laugh at my pin-dick, and then share that fun with girlfriends. The only losers are other males who feel threatened by the whole idea. They see the contest as a ceding of sexual power by men to women, and they worry that women might also laugh at their dicks. Actually, let me expand that to a win-win-lose-lose situation, because another loser is the male from other cultures, especially Third World cultures. It drives them nuts to see these laughing American women publicly degrading men like me.

But mostly, I entered the thing because I thought it was funny, absurd, and subversive, and I love funny, absurd, and subversive.


“Rip van Dinkle actually had the gall to flash his silver bush-covered dagger in front of the crowd—prompting the young woman in front of me to recoil and whisper to her friend, ‘I can’t believe that just happened,’ even though this is the Smallest Penis Pageant. The Daily Beast


PLAYBOY:  You mentioned the women who created The Smallest Penis in Brooklyn pageant. Tell us about them.

DINKLE:  What is this “us” business? It’s just you and me here.

PLAYBOY:  I’m speaking for the magazine.

DINKLE:  I see. Like Bill O’Reilly doesn’t speak for himself, he speaks for The Factor. Gotcha. What were you asking me?

PLAYBOY:  We — I was asking about the women behind the pageant. Did you sleep with any of them, or any of the female judges, to gain points in the pageant?

DINKLE:  Ha ha. There are some real hotties behind the scenes. Too bad I didn’t sleep with them. They call Bobbie Chaset the pageant “dick wrangler,” can’t imagine why. I told her I was upset that in the first two pageants, the only guys who actually flashed the audience were two dudes with average-size dicks. I thought that defeated the purpose of a small-penis pageant, and Bobbie agreed with me. I told her that I would flash the audience this year, and she encouraged me. She also had to deal with Brooklyn police, who threatened to disrupt the contest.

Aimee Arciuolo, who came up with the idea, is a red-headed hottie with legs that stretch to Tallahassee. She told me, “You have a nice ass” while she was helping me adjust my skimpy costume. She did not tell me what she thought of my pecker, although she finger-brushed it when she was measuring me on stage in the first pageant.

PLAYBOY:  All of the media stories, most of them written by women, go into detail about the contestants’ small organs, but a number of them singled out you and your shortcomings. Some examples: Erin Calabrese of The New York Post wrote, “Rip van Dinkle flew in from Minnesota to shake his shrimpy spigot before 100 onlookers.” Khona grilled you about “your small penis.” The Village Voice published a full-frontal photo of you on stage with the caption, “Rip van Dinkle shows off his small penis.” Misty Greene, a blogger, posted pictures of your member, describing it as a “shriveled, skinny flap of skin he calls a penis,” and wrote that “it’s another game when you get up on stage in front of the media and make an ass of yourself and your ‘manhood.’” On the Web site CaféMom, female readers posted pictures of your testicles and had this exchange: “Where are his balls!?” “Sadly, probably inside the meat hammock.” “HAHA!” Many of these women seem to derive glee from pointing out the puniness of your sex organs.

DINKLE:  I suppose some of them just think it’s funny.  I’m sure others relish the opportunity to turn the tables on men, to judge and belittle us for our inadequate bodies the way we’ve judged and belittled them.

PLAYBOY:  In the 2013 contest, female judges went so far as to actually measure the lengths of your dicks in front of cheering, hooting, picture-taking women. There is a picture on Wikipedia of you getting your prick measured [Editor’s Note: the picture was recently removed from the pageant’s Wikipedia page], which reminded us of Ken Norton having his package evaluated by a slave-buying woman in the movie, Mandingo. We’re guessing that the woman in Mandingo and Arciuolo, who is measuring your member in the Wikipedia picture, got wildly different results. Tell us about that measuring – was it humiliating?

DINKLE:  It did catch me off guard; I had no idea they were going to do that. I was standing on the bar and I felt someone’s finger touching my dick.  I looked down and there was the judge, pressing a retractable ruler alongside my penis. I think it was Aimee, although it might have been Cyndi Freeman, the other judge who also measured me. But like I said, it came out of the blue so I didn’t really have time to feel “humiliated.” Surprised would be a better word. I will say that in the Internet photos, it does look kind of degrading.

PLAYBOY:  In researching this interview – and yes, we actually did some research – we discovered that the pageant organizers considered more than just measuring you guys.  Arciuolo told Gothamist that they contemplated ways to cause you to get erections on stage, but dropped the idea because they “‘couldn’t figure out a way to get them to grow’ in any reasonable or legal capacity.” That strikes us as deliberate humiliation, turning your sex organs into playthings for the crowd’s amusement.

DINKLE:  Tough to get a hard-on in that situation. It was fun, but not particularly erotic to be standing on that bar with my pickle measured in front of a noisy crowd. On the other hand, if Aimee was seeking erections, she damned near got one from me before the show, upstairs in the dressing room, when she was on her knees in front of me, adjusting my sheer loincloth and looking directly at my package. If she’d been down there much longer, I might have poked her eye out – and I don’t mean with my finger.

Aimee said in interviews that the pageant was dreamed up by her and girlfriends, so I’m guessing that when they planned it, she told them she’d damn well measure our wieners. And so she damn well did. I don’t believe the pageant was really for our benefit; I think it was designed to entertain females in the audience, and if they’d been able to get our dicks erect, they probably would have done that. Who knows, they might have even had us ejaculate on stage. The other contestants and I were really, to paraphrase Alfred Hitchcock, just cattle in Aimee and Bobbie’s show.

PLAYBOY:  You were the only contestant at the most recent pageant to intentionally flash the audience. Why did you decide to do that?


“Rip van Dinkle kicked things off … once again flashing the shocked audience. The Daily Beast


DINKLE:  Didn’t I already answer this question? I told Bobbie that if I paid money to attend a small-penis pageant, I’d feel cheated if the only dicks I saw were big ones, or average-sized ones, which is what happened in the first two pageants. I told Bobbie that I thought I should give the crowd what they wanted, which was an unfiltered look at small cock, and she agreed with me.

PLAYBOY:  The contestants have been a diverse group; this year, there were two blacks, two whites, and an Asian dude. Interestingly, no Latin men. The crowd also seemed multicultural: black girls, white girls, Asian girls, most of them college age. You are not exactly “college age.” Did you feel old on stage?

DINKLE:  Oh, sure. I can just imagine these girls describing the pageant to their friends afterwards: “One of them was old enough he could be my dad’s friend. Or my grandpa’s friend. So gross. He was totally buck naked — look, I have pictures of his little pee-pee!”

PLAYBOY:  Has your fame, or rather infamy, spread to your home state of Minnesota?

DINKLE:  Not that I’ve noticed. Some local news anchors were at an event and I gave them business cards with information about the pageant, but I never heard back from them. They did, however, pose for pictures with me. Years ago, I was at a happy hour with a woman I worked with, the stunning Sarah Wasem, and we were all discussing Bart Simpson’s “nude scene” in The Simpsons Movie. Sarah asked, “Did they show his little pee-pee?” So Sarah, if you’re reading this, yes, I was in The Smallest Penis in Brooklyn pageant, and yes, they showed my little pee-pee. You can Google the pictures.


.              Pee Pee        .  Bart

“Did they show his little pee-pee?” Sarah Wasem, above center, asking Rip about Bart’s exposure, above right, in The Simpsons Movie. Little did Sarah know that Rip would one day show his little pee-pee on a Brooklyn stage, above left.


But so far, I haven’t gotten any comments. On the other hand, I might get recognized in South America, France, or Asia, because this little pageant gets Internet coverage everywhere.

PLAYBOY:  Have foreign journalists contacted you?

DINKLE:  I didn’t win, so no.  One cutie who said she was a reporter from Brazil approached me backstage. She interviewed me and took notes while her friend, also female, recorded me with an iPhone. I had to wonder what this Brazilian reporter was thinking. Something like: “Here’s a foolish American male with his  little noodle dangling out in front of me.  I am going to have fun writing about it for my Latin readers. Foolish American male.”

I told her that Brazilian women were gorgeous, which she seemed to like. She asked if women had ever commented about my small penis, which was interesting because I was wearing see-through shorts and she hadn’t commented about my small penis.  I gave some reply about how women won’t tell men something like that to their face; instead, they’ll gossip about dick size with their girlfriends. When I read her story, the English translation was garbled and hilarious. She also kept pressing me for my real name, which I wasn’t prepared to give out.

She also took pictures during the pageant. There is one shot of me that ran with her story in which my crotch has a black box pasted over it. You tell me – if you are doing a story with pictures about a small-penis pageant, would you cover up the small penis? There is another shot of me, stolen from The Village Voice, that appears on a German site with my dick pixilated. Pretty silly, since you can still see the shape and size through the pixels.


[Editor’s Note: Here is an English translation from the Brazilian journalist’s report – “Rip Van Dinkle, for example, traveled to another state just to be part of the dispute. ‘I know that my penis is small, no one ever told me that because women are very educated, they prefer to comment on those things with her friends,’ he joked.”]


grouchyeditor.com Ribeiro


PLAYBOY:  Earlier, you admitted that you fantasize about the women who’ve seen you naked. Any favorite fantasy ladies you’d care to share with us?

DINKLE:  Oh, lord, I’ve probably jerked off to every woman mentioned in this interview: Aimee, Bobbie, Cyndi, Rebecca Long, Rachel Khona, Joanne Nosuchinsky, Sarah from work, those WCCO anchors — there are stains on my bedsheets for all of them.

PLAYBOY:  That’s pretty disgusting.

DINKLE: Good point.

Some of them make it just too easy. Aimee, for example, described to Playboy in great detail how she gets fucked by small-dick guys, something about pillows and her bare ass. [Editor’s Note: The actual quote from Arciuolo is: “The sex involves putting pillows under the butt to help the angle. But it’s still hard to feel anything. It’s a quick smack-smack-smack-smack-smack, then the guy usually gets up and runs away in shame.”] If you don’t want other small-dick guys to masturbate about you, then don’t tell a national magazine how you got pumped by a small-dick guy.


“Women are metaphorically castrating you in print – or in the case of the pageant, on a stage – for other women’s entertainment. Don’t you agree?



PLAYBOY: Most of the women who write derisively about you, or post explicit pictures of your nudity, are young enough to be your daughter, or even granddaughter (Dinkle is 57). They seem to have little regard for the concept of your “manhood,” and even less respect for their elders. Misty “the size vixen” posted pictures of you naked and invited readers to emasculate you in print. Blogger Alicia posted explicit pictures of you and included what she termed your “very revealing” admissions about your sexual failings. She also shared your real name with readers. In a sense, these women are metaphorically castrating you in print – or in the case of the pageant, on a stage – for other women’s entertainment. Don’t you agree?

DINKLE: Well, I think I already answered that question. I think a lot of women have had bad experiences with men, have been lied to or treated badly. When they find someone like me that they can sort of kick in the nuts, very publicly, they like that. Misty, who you mentioned, sent me a message one night that was just six words: “I want to hurt your balls.” I guess I serve as a form of therapy for these women, standing in for their fathers, bosses, ex-boyfriends, or whichever man has angered them.

PLAYBOY:  You’ve been in two of the three pageants. Will you return next year?

DINKLE:  Not likely. I didn’t get the feeling that the “old gang” was all that thrilled to see me this year, possibly because I keep opening my trap for interviews like this one. I also wrote articles about the pageant for Maxim.com and for a women’s magazine in Australia, which might not have pleased some people.

I’ve never really bought into the whole anti-body-shaming propaganda about the pageant, and that bothers some people. Maybe I’m too cynical, but I think the vast majority of women who pay attention to the contest aren’t there to “support the little guy,” they are there for the same reason Rachel Khona went: to laugh at small cocks. Also, I am just too damned old for this shit.

PLAYBOY:  Nothing change your mind about returning for a third pageant?

DINKLE:  They do have a hard time getting contestants. They advertise the hell out of the pageant, and they increased the winnings a bit this year, but they still only get about five contestants every year. In three pageants, counting returnees like me, there have been a total of 13 guys willing to compete – including out-of-staters and one guy from India. It’s not easy for them to find what they really want, which is an adult American male who will actually allow them to un-man him on stage, very publicly, showing his face and his tiny package so that American women can enjoy his diminishment.

On the other hand, if they get desperate for contestants next year, and if Aimee is willing to get down on her knees again, well ….


Rip’s Pageant Scrapbook

(click on images for larger views)


Small Penises Brought To You By:


Arciuolo  Bobbie


Aimee Arciuolo, above left, told the press that getting balled by a man with a penis “the size of an acorn” inspired her to create The Smallest Penis in Brooklyn pageant.

“Dick Wrangler” Bobbie Chaset, above right, is the woman charged with recruiting contestants.



.             Rieders4        Spinelli


For ladies unable to attend the pageant with their cell-phone cameras, professional photographers were on hand to document the proceedings for Internet exposure. Photographer Melanie Rieders, above left, captured a “money shot” of Rip for Gothamist.

Photographer Lauren Spinelli, above right, nailed a full-frontal shot of Rip for Time Out New York.



Amelia2      Blondes      Natalie2


WCCO anchors (left to right) Amelia Santaniello, Lauren Casey, Liz Collin and Natalie Nyhus learned they were posing with a small-penis legend moments after these pictures were taken.



Norton2       Norton


Note the similarities between Ken Norton’s public humiliation in Mandingo, right, and Rip’s public measurement by Arciuolo, left. We’re guessing there are no similarities in their penis sizes.




Brazilian reporter Anna Gabriela Ribeiro, pictured above examining her cell phone camera, asked prying questions and took revealing pictures. Her story appeared on numerous Spanish-language Web sites.




New Yorker Misty the “size vixen,” above, was unimpressed by the pageant, and unimpressed by Rip’s package. She wrote that Rip’s nude exposure comes “at the cost of his respect as a man,” published his real name, and continued: “Nothing says to the world, ‘I am a little dick loser and proud of it,’ like entering yourself into the small-penis contest of the century. I gotta hand it to the bar owners. Something tells me that there is a woman behind all this (and there is but I am opting out of calling her out).”




Podcaster and sex writer Rachel Khona, above, grilled Rip about his small penis. Khona explained why she went to the 2014 pageant: “We came to giggle at tiny penises and the men who would actually show them off.”

Just before they interviewed Rip for their show, Khona and Abbi Stern (pictured below) shared these thoughts with their listeners:

Stern:  “It’s hilarious that anybody would want to advertise they have a small penis, because I don’t know how they’re ever gonna get ass after that.”

Khona:  “It’s sad. It [sex with a small penis] feels like there’s a finger in you. Sometimes you don’t even know it’s there.”

Stern:  “He [Rip] probably would like you looking at photos of his tiny penis.”

After chatting with Rip, Stern called him a nice man and expressed her appreciation for his attitude about having a tiny dick:

Stern: “If you have a small penis or something, it’s better to like own it and be able to like make jokes about it … because I think if anything, other people are probably more uncomfortable with it than you are. Yeah it would suck, but if everyone was like, ‘That’s John [Rip] and his small dick’ — nobody would even bother.”


grouchyeditor.com Abbi Stern


“He probably would like you looking at photos of his tiny penis.” “That’s John and his small dick.” Abbi Stern, above





Joanne Nosuchinsky, above, explained the penis pageant to fellow panel members on Fox’s Red Eye. Here is the video:


Alicia       Rip van Dinkle


Blogger Alicia, above left, shared the picture at right with her readers – along with embarrassing personal details about Rip and his waning virility.




.                              Aimee             Cyndi

.                                        Aimee Measures                                  Cyndi Measures


For a life-size view of what pageant judge Cyndi Freeman (aka burlesque queen Cherry Pitz), below left, came up with when she measured Rip, or what pageant judge Aimee Arciuolo, below right, came up with when she measured Rip, click on the above pictures.


.                         Cyndi Freeman        New2




“Despite commissioning this story … we are fairly conservative and do not do full-frontal nudity.”Women’s Health & Fitness editor Rebecca Long, above, explaining to readers why she chose not to run (supplied) photos of Rip’s nubbin in a story about small peckers – specifically, a story about Rip’s small pecker – that was published in December 2013.



“On a scale from one to 10, we would say that your penis is a three.”

– Sex therapists Celeste and Danielle, above, answering a questionnaire about Rip’s penis for Women’s Health & Fitness, in which one is “very small” and 10 is “very large.” So much for lying to spare a guy’s feelings.



“It’s a small-penis contest, but you can’t show your dick.”

– Lissette Padilla, above and below, describing pageant rules to viewers of The Young Turks.

We guess Rip didn’t get the memo. 




Below, Kendra Wilkinson and her Kendra on Top gal pals share a laugh about the penis pageant and the guys who would actually “show it”:





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