The Weekly Review: October 29 – November 4

Rob Lowe’s cockiness wouldn’t last long.


Poor Hollywood. As if new sex scandals every day weren’t enough, its favorite sports team went and lost the World Series. Poor Hollywood. (Tee hee hee!)


Mila Kunis got knocked off her perch.





I was a bit harsh last week when I called Stranger Things overhyped and mediocre. I stand by the overhyped part, but after watching the final two episodes of the second season, I think “mediocre” is a tad cruel.

I can see why kids would love this show. I probably would have loved it when I was a kid. It has a lot of fun characters and some memorable scenes.

From a jaded-adult standpoint, it’s a story that’s littered with ridiculous episodes. But it’s mostly entertaining.

So I’m revising my opinion, just a bit:


Kid Grade:  A

Jaded-Adult Grade:  B-




This photo of a previously unknown woman named Anok Yai went viral last week:



Geez … how could it not?


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