The Weekly Review: June 23 – 29


Debate Takeaways


I haven’t had this much fun watching Democrat conniption fits since Trump shocked the world eight years ago:



And yet … it does seem possible, even probable, that Biden’s public humiliation was orchestrated by The Establishment, which, knowing that Biden is likely toast in November, decided it’s time to replace him — and get the liberal media on board.




Very strange seeing CNN’s sad attempt to return to real journalism. Jake Tapper and Dana Bash were (gasp!) just fine.




Holy shit. If you don’t know who Tim Pool is, or why he has so many loyal followers, check out his podcast from Wednesday night. Pool was on fire, and poor Arthur Bloom was in the line of that fire.

Pool begins his assault of Bloom, whom he called an “elitist,” about 10-15 minutes into the show.

If the beanie-topped podcaster ever decides to get into law, I pity anyone he cross-examines.





Speaking of Pool and his podcasting empire, I’ve been watching Pop Culture Crisis, co-hosted by 30-something Brett Dasovic and 20-something firebrand Mary Morgan.

They give me hope for America’s future. Even when they are bashing, ahem, Baby Boomers like Yours Truly.

(Presumably, they have fixed the typos — “cuteure”? — in the picture above.)



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