Great Art (and Hot Blondes)
Survivor is back, and it’s not hard to figure out which castaway is the favorite with CBS cameramen. Hint: It’s not the black dude.
Critics Agree!
“It’s a stupid film on YouTube.” — noted author Salman Rushdie
“Fourteen minutes of your life you will never get back.” — some other guy
I had to see what all the fuss was about, so I checked out the trailer for Young Muhammad in Love, or whatever it’s called, and, well … I’ll have to say, this is wonderful stuff. Here are my Oscar predictions for this charming little indie:
Best Supporting Actress: Irma Glutz
Best Supporting Actor: Clem Kardashian
Achievement in Special Effects
Best Sex Scene (ok, ok, not an Oscar category, but should be)
Sometimes I daydream about moving to Alaska. I think it might be a nice place to live. But then I see news items from Alaska like this:
Piers Morgan took to Twitter to vent about Kelsey Grammer, who stomped off the set of Piers’s CNN program:
“Kelsey Grammer was supposed to be on my show now but ran out of the building. Strange,” tweeted Piers. He followed up with this: “So, Kelsey Grammer saw a photo of his ex wife Camille in the open to our show and legged it …. a shockingly unprofessional thing to do.”
Hard to understand what Kelsey found so offensive, so we tracked down the picture that opened Piers’ show, from Camille’s Oscar-nominated turn in The Naked Detective:
Not that long ago, the world stood still when a certain author published certain books. This week, that author is publishing her latest book. What’s that, you say? Nope, I wasn’t aware of it, either.
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