The Weekly Review: July 17 – 23


I need to buy a dictionary that’s at least five years old, simply to ensure that the thing hasn’t been infected by far-left craziness. I need a reference book that still considers, for example, “they” to be a plural noun.

Or to be really safe, perhaps my dictionary should be at least ten years old.




There is one definition that needs updating:  lawbreaker.

Dems seem to think you can do pretty much anything — if you subscribe to leftist politics. If, on the other hand, you are Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, et al., you get to go to jail.





That’s a bit harsh. Am sure there are 84-year-old men happy to hook up ith Jane. Probably even some 74-year-old men.

Incidentally, our keyboard has decided not to type the 23rd letter of the alphabet. Hence, the sentence above that reads, “hook up ith Jane.” Time to buy a ne keyboard and a ne dictionary.





Because it’s tiresome to keep typing and avoid the 23rd letter of the alphabet, let’s do pictures, instead, and have a look at Big Brother hamsters, past and present. Let’s begin by highlighting current houseguest Taylor Hale:



Former Miss Michigan Taylor is not the only current hamster displaying skin. Here is Alyssa Snider sunbathing in the backyard:






CBS premiered yet another reality series, something called The Challenge: USA, featuring Big Brother 20 alumnus Angela Rummans. I don’t recall her, but according to one site, Rummans became a “villainess” during her stay in the house. Maybe that explains CBS’s decision to air, on its live feeds, the crotch shot of Angela pictured here:




Last but not least, it turns out some former Big Brother houseguests are extending their 15 minutes of fame by signing up for OnlyFans:



OnlyFans is unfamiliar to me, and so in the course of researching this article I accidentally landed on a similar site called JustFor.Fans. Perhaps next time I’ll provide a tutorial on OnlyFans and/or JustFor.Fans. Because that’s information you probably need.





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