Monthly Archives: June 2014

 The “Beautiful Game” 


Soccer2  Soccer3


While the world’s sports journalists fill our airwaves with reports about Uruguay’s Luis Suarez, the soccer-playing lout who likes to bite other players, I’m still waiting for a feel-good story about those lovable Brazilian football fans who last year decapitated a referee and put his head on a stake.

What, you hadn’t heard about that?  It’s the one-year anniversary next week – Google it!



A “beautiful game,” indeed.




The Huffington Post’s TV critics, of all people, have been on an amusing rampage.  First, Maureen Ryan had an emotional meltdown (“I’m done!”) over what she perceived as a sexist new series, FX’s The Tyrant.  Then the Post published an article about “overrated” TV series that included these shows, some of which you probably know:  Girls, Seinfeld, Scandal, Boardwalk Empire, Orphan Black, Mad Men, Orange Is the New Black, and South Park.

You go, Post!






Big Brother is back, and I’m pulling for Amber, pictured above.  Assuming, of course, that she can make it out of that house of lunatics in one piece.




The Huffington Post is still looking for … well, you know the drill.




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by Joe McGinniss



A fatally bloated book.  The case of Jeffrey MacDonald, the “all-American” young doctor who was convicted in 1979 of slaughtering his family, is fascinating, but not enough to justify 900-plus-pages that too often read like dry trial transcripts.  McGinniss crams Vision with page after page of often-repetitive legal minutiae – which is fine for aspiring lawyers but a drag for the true-crime aficionado.


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We Moved!


Our old homes – blog.grouchyeditor and blogsecond.grouchyeditor – no longer exist.  Go Daddy discontinued its Quick Blogcast service and so we have moved to WordPress.  Consequently, if you browse our archives pre-2013, you will notice formatting and design glitches.  We are diligently going back in time, fixing each entry, post by post.  This tedious process has reminded us, once again, why we are indeed grouchy editors.




Why I’m Glad Fox News Exists:

The “missing” IRS e-mails.  We regular folk are constantly reminded that we can’t ever really delete our e-mails, because some clever tech-type can always retrieve them.  And yet, Lois Lerner’s e-mails are gone forever?  Fox News is on the case.

Why I Wish Fox News Would Vanish:

The Iraq dilemma.  Dick Cheney and his hawkish pals lied their way into this Middle East quagmire, and now they are given a platform on Fox to whine about Obama’s failure to clean up their mess?




They are still looking for a few good proofreaders at The Huffington Post: 






From Reuters: “U.S. senators heavily criticized the marketing practices of e-cigarette companies on Wednesday, saying their use of glamorous models, celebrities and cartoon characters attracts children.”

If you are going to criticize companies for using models, celebrities, and cartoons in their ads, you might as well go ahead and just ban all advertising.




Lots of bad news this week, so let’s take a break from politics and look at Miley Cyrus’s ass.


Miley Cyrus In Concert - Brooklyn, NY



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The Tony Awards:  When you start your telecast with five minutes of Hugh Jackman bouncing up and down like a 12-year-old girl on a pogo stick, please don’t ask why your show doesn’t attract bigger ratings.




Quotes of the Week




“Unless they have a small pecker.” — Joanne Nosuchinsky on Red Eye, reacting when another panelist said that wealthy men tend not to boast.




“We came out of the White House not only dead broke,  but in debt … we struggled to, you know, piece together the resources for mortgages, for houses.”  – Hillary Clinton.  Nice to know that our potential FFP (first female president) is just as blind as any male politician to the lifestyle of average Americans.


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Playboy used to run advertisements that asked the rhetorical question, “What sort of man reads Playboy?”  I was curious about “what sort of woman attends a small-penis pageant,” and so I visited the King’s County Bar’s Facebook page to see which women plan to giggle and ogle men with small peckers as they are measured for the ladies’ entertainment.  Here are a few of the wicked females who plan to attend:


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hmmmm … where do I sign up?




Right now there are just two shows I will go out of my way to watch – Fargo and Louie – and they both happen to be on FX.   FX is about to premiere a boatload of new series, and that makes me very happy.




Slender        Grace


Nancy Grace is upset with The Slender Man.  Now that’s a wrestling match I’d pay to watch.


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Birth of the Living Dead



The best part of this “making of” documentary is the gee-whiz good humor of filmmaker George A. Romero who, 46 years after the release of Night of the Living Dead, still gets a kick out of the fact that so many people have seen — and loved — his little Pittsburgh-based movie.  Romero is a much better salesman than some of the gassy windbags who are also interviewed and who seem hell-bent on attributing way too much cultural significance to what is, after all, a low-budget horror film.  Release:  2013  Grade:  B 


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