Get ready for more of this. See below.
Post-election Musings
In the early 1960s, television went through a period when it was dominated by “hillbilly chic.” The most popular sitcoms were shows like The Beverly Hillbillies and Green Acres, fish-out-of-water comedies in which rural and urban cultures clashed.
The most important show of that ilk was The Andy Griffith Show. I don’t recall it as being overly religious; I do recall its message of the importance of strong community. (If there were few people of color on the show, it’s because that demographic reflected reality: there were few minorities in many small towns.)
I know this because I grew up in my own version of Mayberry, North Carolina: a small town in Minnesota. When I say small, I mean 1,300 residents — small. Not what you’d call cosmopolitan, but there was a strong sense of community.
After the 1960s, I did what so many young people did and moved to the big cities: Dallas-Ft. Worth for 20 years, then Minneapolis for 25 years.
I am currently reading a book of Kurt Vonnegut speeches, which he delivered in the 1970s. In the speeches, Vonnegut laments the lack of community and epidemic of loneliness in America — 50 years ago. Sounds similar to 2024, does it not?
One thing Vonnegut does not recommend to people seeking a replacement for old-fashioned community values: turning to government.
My unsolicited advice to young people on the left and the right: If you are unhappy with your life, consider moving to a smaller city. Not so small as Mayberry or where I grew up; that’s too small. But perhaps towns in the 10,000-50,000 range. You know, big enough to have some of the creature comforts we’ve grown accustomed to, but not so big that you can’t make friends.
Call me wicked, if you must, but this picture makes me smile:
If you’re old enough, you probably recognize the photo at the top of this post. It’s from the 1999-2000 saga of Elian Gonzalez, a Cuban boy at the center of an international custody dispute. After his mother drowned while transporting her boy to the United States, relatives fought to keep Elian in Florida while his father sought to have him returned to Cuba. The famous picture shown above was taken when INS agents stormed the house and seized young Elian, who was later returned to his father.
If Trump follows through on his promise to begin mass deportations, get ready to see a lot more pictures like this one. The media are salivating at the prospect.
And we are told that Trump is the intolerant fascist?
Bill Maher is making more and more sense these days.
I’ve noticed this twice now, while I was watching YouTube promos for the upcoming season of Wednesday. At the very end (or beginning) of the video short, in an almost-subliminal, blink-and-you-miss-it moment, images of Jenna Ortega in sexy Wednesday mode appear on the screen. What’s up with that? Are they deep fakes?
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