Daily Archives: July 1, 2023


The Revenge of Donald Trump 





Settle down, liberals. To quote your beloved Barack Obama, “elections have consequences.”





Democrats keep voting for these people. Is it any wonder we call you “libtards”?




TV Tidbits



Based on a True Story

Cons: It’s a comic mystery set in Southern California. Must every show be set in Southern California?

The characters are universally stupid and/or spoiled liberals. Everyone is doing illegal drugs and/or involved in adulterous affairs. And yet, we are asked to relate to them.

Pros: It looks very nice, and Kaley Cuoco is a fine comic actress.




Co-written by Kevin Williamson (Scream), the first half of the movie has the makings of a modern horror classic. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the second half, in which the good guys and the bad guys suddenly assume superhero-like physical powers. In other words, a smart thriller goes stupid.



I thought I’d give it a shot, but then I noticed that Chris Cuomo hosts a primetime show. Nah … you can’t do that.



The hosts remind me of Republican politicians. They say all the (angry) right things, but they don’t seem to have any actual clout.




I don’t have a bucket list, but if I did, it would include a trip to Mont-Saint-Michel in France:



It reminds me of the abbey in The Name of the Rose — on steroids.


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