Monthly Archives: August 2023



OK, OK, I was never in Kim Kardashian’s league when it comes to “impressions” on Twitter (or X). But this is ridiculous.

Not that long ago, I would get actual replies and “likes” for the same kind of comments I make today. As you can see above, that’s no longer the case.

And so once again, screw you, Elon Musk. Your so-called “free-speech” platform is still under the thumb of woke censors.

I might as well post only on Gab.





Sorry, ladies, but I’ve had it with your irrational hatred of Donald Trump. Because you would prefer to support the far-left over anything Trump-related, the country is going down the shitter.

So yes, I blame a lot of this on you.


(Is this the kind of sentiment that got me shadow-banned on Twitter?)




Heavy sigh. More anti-straight-white-male bias



This Decider story is about the cancellation of A League of Their Own. I didn’t see the series, but I loved the movie.

But you know, God forbid that Amazon give the audience what it wants.




Heavy sigh. Swamp creature Kevin McCarthy



Kevin McCarthy “threatens.” McCarthy “warns.” McCarthy actually does … nothing.




In lighter, irrelevant, trivial news, The Grouch is disappointed with timid Big Brother:



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I am back from Ft. Lauderdale. I am happy to no longer be staying next to an alligator swamp and I am thrilled to escape the humidity.


On the other hand, I am not happy to be away from the thong bikinis.




Neil Howe, surviving author of The Fourth Turning, has a new book and a slew (OK, at least a couple) of new YouTube videos. I could listen to this guy all day.





This is old news, but I’ve been on vacation and cannot leave this story without comment.

Hopefully, this jock-idiot will not follow in the footsteps of fellow jock-idiot Colin Kaepernick and will instead fade out of the public eye.





I guess if you are a conservative big-shot, you no longer have to worry about being suspended or “shadow-banned” on Twitter (X). Good for you.

If, however, you are a “little guy” (like me), you can expect no such luck. Thanks to this Yaccarino woman, apparently. And “free-speech hero” Elon Musk is either unaware or uncaring about this.

Screw you, Elon.




Too many people get this wrong:





These are the first two hamsters to get the boot on this season’s Big Brother:




What the hell is wrong with you people?


Last but not least, because I am missing Florida beach bums, here is more Reilly (click on pics for a larger view):





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A teen girl has unprotected sex, gets pregnant, and gives birth — all within 24 hours.

Despite my rather grim synopsis above, 2019’s Snatchers is actually a madcap mash-up of movies like Mean Girls and The Hidden. Or possibly Gremlins.

The plot is ridiculous, and I wouldn’t describe the film as particularly “scary,” but the direction is fast-paced, and the girls and their Gen Z jargon are consistently amusing. As pleasant timewasters go, you could do a lot worse than this horror-comedy.   Release: 2019  Grade: B


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