Seven … dwarfs?
From the Department of “Walt Disney
Rolling Over in His Grave”

Peter Dinklage complains about using real dwarfs, and so we get this:

From the Department of “Time to
Fucking Move On”

Eric Shawn continues to provide updates about Jimmy Hoffa on Fox News.

Greta Van Susteren continues to provide updates on Joran van der Sloot on Newsmax.
Didn’t the public lose interest in van der Sloot, oh, about 10 years ago, and Hoffa about, oh, 40 years ago?
Is there something in Greta’s and Eric’s contracts — or do they have dirt on network executives — that permits them to keep boring audiences with these stories?
Hollywood Strike

This reminds me of when professional athletes go on strike. It’s basically asshole players vs. asshole owners.
Sorry, Hollywood, but I’m more concerned about the financial struggles of regular folks.

All we had to do was say a few kind words about Kennedy in last week’s Review, and then shit hits the fan.

The hullaballoo over Sound of Freedom, which reportedly has harrowing scenes of child sex trafficking, reminds me of the premiere episode of the second season of the late, great FX series The Shield.
Anyone who watched that episode, titled “The Quick Fix,” and who saw the scene involving a little girl with a dove tattoo (above), will know exactly what I’m talking about. That scene was so powerful that it still haunts me, 20 years later.

Just when I begin to think that perhaps there are a few institutions that haven’t been corrupted by the progressive left, this happens.
Sometimes serial killers don’t look a bit like serial killers:

Sometimes they look every bit like a serial killer:

By the way, the seven dwarfs pictured at top all look like serial killers.
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