Monthly Archives: June 2022


Pictured above are my co-worker’s big tits. If you click on it, the picture and the tits will be even bigger.

Now that I’ve got your attention, I can get on with this week’s review. I will explain more about the picture and the big tits later in this post.





Jesse Watters’s new show is growing on me. Given his past at Fox News, I thought Watters might be a bit lightweight for prime time. But he’s proving to be an effective attack dog.

He got the corrupt Napa County district attorney to finally release the delightful mugshot of Paul Pelosi, pictured above, and he says he’ll go to court to get video of Pelosi’s drunk-driving incident. He is also calling out judicial corruption elsewhere, such as the (quiet) release of antifa thugs.

In short, instead of simply complaining about the left, Watters is going after them. He’s playing offense, and that’s refreshing.






Uh, no comment. Not yet.

I’m just waiting to see what happens next.




TV Tidbits


I’m having a tough time accepting Jeff Bridges as the titular character in FX’s The Old Man. Not because Bridges is bad in the role; to the contrary, he is, as usual, very good.

No, my problem is that he is “the old man.”

Bridges first came to my attention in 1974, co-starring with Clint Eastwood in a movie called Thunderbolt and Lightfoot. He managed to steal the show from superstar Eastwood, who at the time was 44, while the boyish Bridges was just 25. 

I know, Bridges has played older dudes many times, in movies like True Grit and Crazy Heart. But to me he’s always been The Kid, not the goddamn “old man.”

Now get off my lawn!




Hotel Portofino

It’s awfully, uh, “effeminate,” what with its lingering shots of vases and paintings and drapery and women’s clothing. Not to mention the soft piano tinkling mixed with classical music in the score. But man, the scenery is gorgeous. Too early to tell if the drama will match it.

I’m afraid it’s going to be Downton Abbey without Maggie Smith — you cannot have Downton Abbey without Maggie Smith.




Dark Winds

I was a fan of the PBS series that aired 20 years ago, in which cops Leaphorn and Chee solved crimes on an American Indian reservation. So far, this new series on AMC seems on par with the original. Even though the mysteries aren’t particularly original.




This is where we are in 2022: I no longer consider Randy Quaid a nutjob. He is a voice of reason:










Now back to the girl with the big tits. I promised to get back to the big tits, so here we are.

Why, you might ask, is this piece of ass’s lovely lass’s face cropped out of the picture?

Because I didn’t want anyone at work telling her that I posted a picture of her big tits. Duh!


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by Mary Roberts Rinehart


I’ve compared Rinehart to Agatha Christie in previous reviews of her books. Rinehart was essentially America’s answer to the British crime novelist, but who employed a more light-hearted ambiance. Her characters, befitting early-20th-century, upstart America, are far removed from the stuffy snobs who populate most Christie stories.

But in reading Rinehart’s 1909 novel (her second, after The Circular Staircase), The Man in Lower Ten, I was put in mind of another Brit — Alfred Hitchcock. Rinehart’s plot involves romance, murder aboard a train, and police hunting an innocent man. Can anyone say, The 39 Steps? Or, The Lady Vanishes? *

I confess that Rinehart’s heavy use of century-old American colloquialisms and parlance often defeats me, but her jaunty tone and colorful characters override any linguistic obstacles.


* Rinehart’s book predates the written and film versions of The 39 Steps, The Lady Vanishes — and everything published by Christie.


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The big question in November isn’t whether there will be a “red wave.” All signs indicate there will be.

No, the question is whether the incoming Republicans will actually strive to effect change, or if they will adopt their predecessors’ tactic of go-along-to-get-along to preserve the status quo — and their cushy lifestyles.





I had high hopes for 2019’s horror flick Ready or Not because the critics at Rotten Tomatoes (fooled me once) gave it a high rating (fooled me twice).

After a promising start, Ready devolves into just another boring kill-or-be-killed exercise, with cardboard characters, witless dialogue, and ridiculous plot developments. Also, the comedy and horror elements were a tonal mess.

My fault, though, because you know what they say when you get fooled twice.




Speaking of horror movies, apparently Dashcam director Rob Savage liked the fact that we praised the movie’s lead actress, Annie Hardy:





I’d like to see the new Top Gun movie with Tom Cruise, because I understand it’s not in the least bit “woke.”

I’m in no hurry to see the new Top Gun movie with Tom Cruise, because I saw the first one and thought it was, well, just OK.




Let’s check in with a troll on Twitter:



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So the Democrats put on a show trial for prime-time TV, apparently because they are afraid of getting crushed by the right in the November elections, not to mention the Orange Man in a couple of years.

I thought a viewing antidote to this liberal hissy fit about January 6 might be Dashcam (pictured above), a controversial horror movie now available to rent or buy. I was half-right. Here is my short review.





Another alternative to Democrat bullshit is Peaky Blinders, now streaming its final season on Netflix. It’s a very good show — at times, a great show.




The critics on Rotten Tomatoes certainly have their biases. What Is a Woman? premiered last week, and I was curious about the reviews:



OK, I thought. The movie probably hasn’t been around long enough to have more than one review. So I checked again a few days later:



Wow — they tripled the number of reviews! Good job, critics!




As for the news this week, I will repeat myself: Things are bad and they are going to get worse.


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My goodness. There sure are a lot of liberal snowflakes masquerading as “film critics” at Rotten Tomatoes. Their verdict on Dashcam star Annie Hardy — both the character she plays and the character she is — is near unanimous. Here are a few excerpts:



Clearly, they disapprove of Hardy. Even when they approve of the movie itself.

Perhaps I’m just a contrarian, or maybe I enjoy a movie heroine who sticks it to the (woke) mob, but I had no problem with Hardy. Playing a Yank in England who gives a ride to the wrong woman, Hardy is foul-mouthed and crass. But she’s also clever and amusing. In fact, she’s the best thing about the movie, which is otherwise just another routine live-stream/cellphone-cam exercise in cheap thrills. The plot makes no sense and the director substitutes frenzy and gross-outs for genuine suspense and scares.

But to those RT critics, Hardy commits the unpardonable sins of mocking liberals, smoking cigarettes, and belittling virus lockdowns. And masks. And vaccines. She likes Trump. She kicks demon ass.

I liked this girl.  Release: 2021  Grade: B-



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Think what you will about teen girls, but sometimes they contribute the perfect phrase to express a societal ill. I am thinking of “Whatever!” and I am thinking of


“I Can’t Even!”


I’m no gun nut. I have no plans to ever get a firearm.

But from looking at what’s transpiring north of the border with the pretty-boy tyrant — not to mention Governments-Gone-Wild in China, Europe, and Down Under — well, I am now, reluctantly, on the side of the gun nuts.

Because the gun nuts are nowhere near as crazy as the political nuts leading our countries.

American citizens could very well need firearms to avoid getting locked up in our own houses. I listen to Canada’s Trudeau and I think, I can’t even.





The following paragraph was buried at the end of a story by Fox’s Dennis Brady, who was covering the World Economic Forum in Davos. I read it and could not believe my eyes.



Is it possible that even the elites are beginning to recognize the folly of their “global reset”? I can’t even.





Recently, I lamented that all my favorite TV shows are going away. But then I noticed that Borgen was returning to Netflix after a nine-year hiatus. I’ve only seen the first two episodes, but so far the show is, as usual, smart and well-written.

But there are “woke” alarm bells sounding. Global warming is a major theme, and so is you-go-girl feminism. The male characters are either soft-in-the-head liberals or evil conservatives. If this keeps up, well, I can’t even.




Rip van Dinkle was pleased to see that writer EJ Dickson, who covered uncovered Rip in the Smallest Penis in Brooklyn pageant, is still stirring the pot — this time with a story for Rolling Stone:






“Toxic femininity.”  Has a nice ring to it.


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