Daily Archives: January 18, 2025


Whining (Whinging?)


Last week I said that Tim Pool hosts my favorite podcast. That’s true. But it doesn’t mean that I have no issues with the beanie boy.

Pool’s obsession with the phrase, “being on the wrong side of history,” drives me nuts. He seems to equate the word “history” with “wins.” He believes that a lot of Democrats are softening on Trump to avoid the perception of being on the wrong side of history. Because Trump won. Bullshit.

When Germans supported Hitler in the 1930s, and then he won power, were those Germans on the right side of history? After all, Hitler did win. Were Democrats on the right side of history four years ago when they voted for Biden, who then won?

There’s a reason history is about the past, and not the present. While things are happening, we have no idea if they are “right” or if they are “wrong.” The future will determine that.




One more complaint about Pool: Why on Earth does he persist in saying “whinging,” as opposed to “whining”?





On the one hand, good for Bondi. On the other hand, Schiff is such a clueless tool, I don’t see how even a six-year-old would be unable to “destroy” him.




“I think George Bush was mad that Saddam Hussein tried to assassinate his daddy.” — Phil Labonte on Bush’s decision to invade Iraq


Entire books are written about momentous subjects like why we go to war, or why someone ran for president.

But sometimes the simplest explanation is correct. I suspect that Labonte might be right about Bush. I also suspect that Donald Trump ran for president (the first time) because he was mad at Obama for humiliating him at a press banquet.




Final Whine of the Week


I am, sadly, a Minnesota sports fan. We are a cursed bunch. Take a look at this chart, detailing the pitiful “success” of our four major-league sports franchises:



We also endure insults from the national sports media, such as the lack of respect shown to our Vikings prior to the team’s loss on Monday to the Los Angeles Rams:




I’ll stop whining. Or whinging.

For now.



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