Daily Archives: August 27, 2022


Not sure if that’s a typo, or if Fox was describing Nancy Pelosi’s arrival at the scene of her husband’s drunk-driving accident.





TV Tidbits



Fans carped about the final episode of The Sopranos, and of Lost, and a lot of viewers didn’t care for the last season of Game of Thrones. I didn’t watch any of those shows (I know, I know), but their lackluster finales were big TV news.

Thus, I suppose I should have expected the kind of endings we got this year for Ozark, Better Call Saul, and Peaky Blinders.


Better Call Saul


Peaky Blinders


It’s not that the swan songs of those otherwise excellent series were exactly “bad” — they just weren’t particularly satisfying or memorable.

It’s tough to stick the landing, even for the best of shows.




Two promising foreign shows on Netflix that I am watching:

Kleo, from Germany, which seems to be channeling Killing Eve.

A Model Family, from South Korea, which seems to be channeling Breaking Bad.

Best adjective to describe Kleo — tongue-in-cheek. Best adjective to describe Family — tense.





So, what does it mean when your post receives just one reply in ten hours?





I suspect that Big Brother icon Janelle Pierzina has been checking out the eye candy on this season’s edition (see below) and decided to remind everyone why she is, in fact, a Big Brother icon. Hence, her new “OnlyFans” page. According to bigbrothernsfw:


“This is actually pretty shocking to us, and for a couple of reasons. First off, yes Janelle did pose nude in Playboy many years ago, but after getting married and having kids, we thought the days of Janelle taking her clothes off were over.

While some say, ‘but we’ve already seen Janelle nude,’ to us, seeing Janelle naked back in the day was a different experience than seeing the current 42-year-old mom of 3 Janelle taking it all off. So far Janelle is already going topless on her OnlyFans and is opening a VIP section for even more and possibly even customs!”


Just in case you need a reminder, here are some of Janelle’s full-frontal (and rear) shots from her Playboy days. (We always remind you to click on pics for a larger view; trust us, this time you’ll be glad you did.)



Most of the eye candy on this season’s Big Brother has come courtesy of Taylor Hale and Alyssa Snider. Like these screen caps from the live feeds:


Taylor wakes up. So do we.


Oblivious males by the pool. Not-so-oblivious CBS cameraman.


Taylor lays claim to best butt in the house. Below, Alyssa’s cellulite bumps her to second place.


Alyssa fights back with a brief full-frontal reveal.


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