Daily Archives: August 6, 2016



Revamp at Fox News!


.      Moos  Crowley  Starr

                       Moos                                     Crowley                                          Starr


As part of a major corporate-culture overhaul at Fox, the network announced its latest midday offering, Outweighed, in which portly TV journalists Barbara Starr, Jeanne Moos, and Candy Crowley will gang up on a different hapless male each day. The ladies’ first guest will be deposed Fox chief Roger Ailes, pictured at top.


Before we say goodbye to Roger, let’s take one more look at some of the talent he’s introduced to television journalism (click on thumbnails for larger view):


.      Andrea1  Bream  Bila1

             Andrea Tantaros                     Shannon Bream                      Jedediah Bila


.      Megyn_Kelly_Banderas          Judge          Kim

.Julie Banderas, Megyn Kelly         Jeanine Pirro                 Kimberly Guilfoyle


.      Andrea2  Bila2  Joanne

.                 Tantaros                                     Bila                           Joanne Nosuchinsky


.      Harris  Falzone  CourtneyFriel

.            Harris Faulkner              Diana Falzone                     Courtney Friel 


.      grouchyeditor.com Dash     grouchyeditor.com Kooiman       grouchyeditor.com Hasselbeck

.                   Stacey Dash                          Anna Kooiman         Elisabeth Hasselbeck






Apparently this guy has never read the reviews for Tyler Perry movies.




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