Daily Archives: June 25, 2016

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I tuned in to CBS and became convinced that I was watching The Human Centipede. But no, it was simply the return of Big Brother, in which a bunch of self-absorbed young people spend the summer with their heads up their ass – or, in the challenge pictured above and below, up someone else’s ass. 

    grouchyeditor.com Brother


The dude in these pictures is James. James has been on Big Brother before. Every summer, James chases after cute girls in the house, although rarely does he find himself with his nose up their butts, as in these pictures. The girls like James, and they flirt with James, but they are never serious about James. Poor James.




Stale Jokes About “Brexit”


These jokes were lame when I thought of them two days ago, but at least they were fresh. Since the time that I thought of them, they have popped up in talk-show monologues and on the Internet. So they are no longer fresh jokes. They are, however, still lame:


Joke 1:  For weeks I ignored stories about “Brexit,” because I thought it was the name of a British soccer team.


Joke 2:


Gone Today, Hair Tomorrow?


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From my local newspaper:

“Nystrom found a baggie containing just under three grams of crack cocaine in Brown’s anal cavity, police said.”

Indeed, sometimes the jokes really do write themselves.





grouchyeditor.com Smoke


I don’t understand why our president was forced to quit smoking, presumably to set a good example for America’s youth, while at the same time …


grouchyeditor.com Lynch


… our attorney general is allowed to set another kind of example for America’s youth. Can you say, “Let’s tax soda pop”?




Let’s check in again with James. Poor James.


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