Daily Archives: May 28, 2016

grouchyeditor.com Warren



Since this story is about Pocahontas, shouldn’t the headline read “Warren on the Warpath”?



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I used the bathroom at Target the other day and nothing happened. No protesters, no perverts. Very disappointing.




Failed talk-show host Melissa Harris-Perry wore this t-shirt on Real Time with Bill Maher.


grouchyeditor.com Perry  

Flawless? Hmmm. Seems like if you are fired from your MSNBC talk show, which routinely attracted about six viewers, there might be a flaw or two somewhere in your clothes closet.

On the other hand, you do inform us on your Web site that you are an “intellectual,” and the t-shirt could be referring to your boobies ….


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grouchyeditor.com Editors


Do I notice anything about this meeting? Oh, sure. Aside from the shocking lack of diversity and the smug expressions, as usual I see no proofreaders.




grouchyeditor.com Sipos


I was watching a mediocre horror series called Slasher, produced by a channel you haven’t heard of, when I recognized a familiar butt. The shapely derriere belonged to an actress named Jessica Sipos, above, who also appeared in another mediocre series called Ascension.  I cannot recommend either of the mediocre shows, but I wholeheartedly endorse Jessica’s muscular cheeks, which compose our Butt of the Week.


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