Monthly Archives: November 2014



In a surprising break from tradition, the White House this week announced that First Daughters Sasha and Malia Obama will oversee the Office of Diplomatic Protocol.  The announcement comes just days after the girls charmed members of the media and the public at the presidential turkey pardon (below).



 Sasha, left, and Malia add sparkle to the president’s turkey “pardon”


Reached for comment on Saturday, Malia raised an eyebrow at a reporter and said, “As if.”  Sister Sasha was overheard snorting in the background.



 Insiders say the Obama girls inherited their bubbly optimism from mother and grandmother



 Sasha and Malia enjoying their time in the spotlight


First Family watchers say that Sasha, especially, displays infectious enthusiasm





 Jessica Alba


Hollywood actress Jessica Alba shocked fans this week when she posted this selfie on Twitter.  Alba told followers she “got a chemical peel to look more sexier.”






Not sure if this is The Huffington Post trying to make a funny, or if they are simply still in need of a proofreader.




The only person in America who’s happy about events in Ferguson — because it takes the media spotlight off of him:






Quote of the Week:


“He asked to do things I wasn’t going to do.  He is ugly, old and disgusting.  I tied him up.  I took his money and left.  He was starting to creep me out.” – 17-year-old Shaina Foster, who along with her twin sister Shalaine tied up and robbed 84-year-old Paul Aronson during a “date.”






Didn’t the same thing happen to her with Matt Lauer on The Today Show?


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Gruber                HansGruber

                     Jonathan Gruber                                                                        Hans Gruber


We’ve met the most villainous Gruber since Die Hard.  At least Hans wasn’t stupid.




Illegal immigration.  Bill Cosby.  The weather.

I thought I might write about one or more of those subjects this week.

I decided that no, I would not do that.  Instead, this feels like an excellent week to emulate the ostrich:




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I feel like we’re living in that old Twilight Zone episode called “The Midnight Sun.” In the show, New York residents swelter as the Earth falls into the Sun.  Not to worry – it’s only a dream.  But wait … in reality, the Earth is hurtling away from the Sun, and everyone will freeze.

In Minnesota, we froze our buns off last winter.  This winter is threatening to be worse.  And yet scientists tell us that we are experiencing global warming.  Where’s Rod Serling when you need him?




I had a routine check-up this week, and at one point my doctor began to pull on the rubber gloves.  He said he “would be happy” to conduct a rectal exam.

On my way out of the clinic, I stopped at the nurses’ desk and told them about my doctor’s comment and how I failed to see how a rectal exam could make anyone “happy.”  Is this why young people go to medical school?






TV Update


BBC America’s The Game, about spies fighting the Cold War in 1970s Britain, has a been-there-done-that feel about it, and the hero (Tom Hughes) looks like a 12-year-old, but it’s a fairly engrossing thriller.    Grade:  B

Starz continues its crusade to stop being Starz by airing its second quality series (the other is Outlander) with The Missing.  It’s another missing-child drama, but a smart script, good acting, and its location (set in France, filmed in Belgium) make it feel fresh.    Grade:  B+






Race in America


There is good news and good news.

The good news for black Americans is that the country proved – twice – that it was willing to elect an African-American president.

The good news for white Americans is that Obama seems hell-bent on proving that black presidents can be just as bad as white presidents.


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Jerry Jones, owner of the Dallas Tits, congratulates Washington owner Dan Snyder






I’ve been reading about “vocal fry,” something apparently inspired by Kim Kardashian in which the female voice trails off into a sort of whine/growl at the end of sentences.  You know who else has “vocal fry”?  Bill O’Reilly.







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It’s the future (again), and what’s left of mankind is crammed into a high-speed train that endlessly circles the frozen Earth.  Will the have-nots in the back of the train revolt and seek revenge on the elite at the front?  Snowpiercer suffers badly from comic-book-movie disease:  It takes itself much, much too seriously.  The dialogue is trite and the character development nonexistent, yet the movie wants us to care about the fate of its cardboard characters.  There are, however, some cool-looking sets aboard the train.  Release:  2013  Grade:  B







It’s a cynical world, but you wouldn’t know it from watching Disney’s charming Frozen.  What’s not to like?  For starters, Kristen Bell brings spunk and humor to the heroine, a determined princess named Anna.  The animation is startlingly good and the songs are … satisfactory.  There are some lapses of logic in the story (loosely based on Hans Christian Andersen’s “The Snow Queen”), but hey, this is a fairy tale and double-hey, isn’t this movie supposed to be for kids?  Release:  2013  Grade:  B+







The rubes who populate Nebraska are a bit stereotyped, but it’s a pleasure to watch 76-year-old Bruce Dern and Will Forte as a father and son making a cross-country trip to claim what Dad thinks is a sweepstakes prize.  This isn’t director Alexander Payne’s best work, but his trademark gentle humor is on full display, and so is the Midwest – for better or worse.  Release:  2013   Grade:  B


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American Horror Story lost me last year with its Sabrina the Teenage Witch storyline, but I’m back this season for the Freak Show.  This is a wildly imaginative show – not always coherent, but wildly imaginative.






OK, maybe Rush Limbaugh is the scourge of humanity, but funny is funny, and I give him credit for this line regarding the actress who was catcalled while walking the streets of New York:  “I love the women’s movement, especially when walking behind it.”




On the other hand, some people are defending the boorish behavior of those catcalling dudes, claiming that many of their comments were simply polite greetings.  Hogwash.  How many of these guys would issue “polite greetings” to a middle-aged man walking down the street, or an elderly woman?  Nah … every one of those comments was a come-on.




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