Daily Archives: January 26, 2014

NFL: Kansas City Chiefs at Oakland Raiders


                         Lacy1    Lacy2


Cheerleader “Lacy T” (above) is suing the Oakland Raiders for … geez, I dunno.  Not for money, apparently.


Lacy T:  It’s not even about money.

CNN’s Brooke Baldwin:  It’s not?

Lacy T:  It’s about them paying everyone on the team for the hours that we worked and to change the contract to where next year’s Raiderettes get paid every two weeks.

Baldwin:  So it is about making more money?

Lacy T:  I’m sorry, what was that?

Baldwin:  So it is, though, a little bit about making more money?

Lacy T:  Obviously, we are working.  We are working really hard and we are extremely talented ….  Any hour that you work in a week, you expect to be paid under the law.


But it’s not about money.  Apparently.

                             Here it …  Clinton2   comes!


I was watching Saturday Night Live last week when a commercial came on for DirecTV.  Kind of sad because the ad, featuring “big fatty face” (above), was much funnier than anything on the show.




From “The Grouchy Weekly Review,” April 4, 2010:


About a month ago, I was watching [Jimmy Kimmel’s] show when he had a segment about a little girl who was infatuated with some teen pop star, and Kimmel arranged to have the pop star surprise the precocious tot with a visit on the show.  It was cute.  End of story.  I thought.

Some time later, I noticed the pop star’s name, Justin Bieber, in the newspaper. Then he showed up in Newsweek.  And in Time.  And in Entertainment Weekly.  And on Chelsea Handler’s TV show.  Now I see the kid is slated to appear on Saturday Night Live.  Who the hell IS this kid?







                                      Still …  Clinton1  coming!


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