Cheerleader “Lacy T” (above) is suing the Oakland Raiders for … geez, I dunno. Not for money, apparently.
Lacy T: It’s not even about money.
CNN’s Brooke Baldwin: It’s not?
Lacy T: It’s about them paying everyone on the team for the hours that we worked and to change the contract to where next year’s Raiderettes get paid every two weeks.
Baldwin: So it is about making more money?
Lacy T: I’m sorry, what was that?
Baldwin: So it is, though, a little bit about making more money?
Lacy T: Obviously, we are working. We are working really hard and we are extremely talented …. Any hour that you work in a week, you expect to be paid under the law.
But it’s not about money. Apparently.
From “The Grouchy Weekly Review,” April 4, 2010:
About a month ago, I was watching [Jimmy Kimmel’s] show when he had a segment about a little girl who was infatuated with some teen pop star, and Kimmel arranged to have the pop star surprise the precocious tot with a visit on the show. It was cute. End of story. I thought.
Some time later, I noticed the pop star’s name, Justin Bieber, in the newspaper. Then he showed up in Newsweek. And in Time. And in Entertainment Weekly. And on Chelsea Handler’s TV show. Now I see the kid is slated to appear on Saturday Night Live. Who the hell IS this kid?
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