Gwyneth Paltrow Week!
It was quite a week for Gwyneth, who topped both Star magazine’s “Most Hated Celebrity” and People magazine’s “Most Beautiful People” lists.
I can’t get too excited for Gwyneth because, to me, she is a bit of a has-been whose most memorable role was as the severed head in Se7en (below), followed closely by her turn as some shapely buttocks in Shallow Hal (above — assuming they are not stunt buttocks). It’s a tough call to say which was the better performance, so I’ll have to flip a coin: heads or tails?
Quote of the Week #1
“The guy who was stripped naked and then later set free, do we have any idea who he was?” — CNN’s Jake Tapper to Watertown’s police captain
The captain didn’t know. I’ve been wondering about the naked guy. That’s certainly a unique way to be introduced to the national news media, getting escorted to a police car with your junk exposed.
Travis Alexander’s ex-girlfriend, Deanna Reid, took the stand at the Jodi Arias trial. Her appearance might have explained a thing or two about Alexander’s fatal attraction to Arias. If you were Travis Alexander, who would you choose?
The Travis Alexander Girlfriend Quiz:
A) Girl who wants to marry you, or … B) Homicidal maniac
A) Girl who wants to marry you, or … B) Homicidal maniac
Quote of the Week #2
“Did he talk to you about blowing enormous loads every time?” — Arias attorney Kurt Nurmi to poor Deanna Reid. HLN’s censor was apparently asleep at the wheel.
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