Football wife Anna Welker, above, had some choice Facebook words for Baltimore’s Ray Lewis, who in the past has had some well-publicized legal problems. I had never heard of Anna Welker, so I Googled her. I have a hunch that the German woman pictured below, also named Anna Welker, is surprised by the sudden popularity of her online job profile.
Expect CBS broadcasters Jim Nantz and Phil Simms to kiss Lewis’s ass during the Super Bowl, and say little or nothing about his messy past (below). That’s apparently Anna Welker’s job – the American Anna Welker, that is.
Thanks to the Manti Te’o hullaballoo, I’ve been watching MTV’s Catfish, which documents similar online deceptions. MTV should consider changing the name of this show to: Fat Youth Lying to Get Dates.
Catfish second banana Max Joseph (above left) shared an opinion that got my goat: “Saying you don’t have a cell phone is like saying you don’t wear pants!”
I don’t have a cell phone, and I might or might not be wearing pants – got a problem with that, Junior?
Fashion Update!
CNN “fashion czar” Alina Cho was giddy over the way designer Jason Wu dolled up Michelle Obama (above) for inauguration festivities. Gushed Alina, “Another thing he [Wu] said, you know what? ‘After four years in office I thought the country was ready to see a confident First Lady in red’ – which I think is extraordinary.”
Good point, Alina, because until last week the nation most likely preferred a cowering, timid First Lady in red.
The reviews are in for Movie 43, and they ain’t pretty. Here is a sample from Moviefone:
“The first section, with Jackman (playing a man who has testicles hanging off his chin) and Winslet, was shot FOUR YEARS AGO. Even after people said yes, they didn’t want to be in this thing.”
The “thing” is getting universally trashed by critics, and yet … I don’t know about you, but any movie that has Hugh Jackman with testicles hanging off his chin sounds like a must-see to me.
The Huffington Post should really consider hiring a few proofreaders.
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