Great settings can compensate for a multitude of movie sins — bad acting, sloppy direction, ridiculous plots. I will find myself watching a piece of junk like Anaconda, or Deep Blue Sea, a second time (or a third time) simply to soak in the cool visuals. This is why, I suspect, they invented the mute button.
Without further ado, and to paraphrase Julie Andrews, these are a few of my favorite sets:
The spaceship in Alien. A haunted house in outer space — what more can a movie fan ask for?
The tree house in Swiss Family Robinson. If possible, I’d swap out the organ for an entertainment center, but otherwise we are all set.
The Overlook Hotel in The Shining. Stephen King did not approve of Kubrick’s movie, but who needs Stephen King when you’ve got a walk-in freezer full of ice cream?
The Antarctic research center in The Thing. I’d prefer to be stranded with six Hooters girls, rather than a bunch of unshaven scientists, but you can’t have everything.
The ramshackle boat in Anaconda. This is a great example of a setting that looks like fun from the comfort of your Barcalounger. In reality, I’d probably want the snake to eat me rather than spend five minutes on a boat like this.
The oceanic research lab in Deep Blue Sea. I must have a thing for isolated research labs. (Also pictured at top.)
The monastery in The Name of the Rose. Why is it that places that would be hell to actually live in often look so inviting on the screen?
Hogwarts. I don’t care how old you are — we all want to live at Hogwarts.
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