‘Tis the Season for Giving (to the rich)
I don’t know about you, but at this time of year it warms my heart to see the rich getting everything they desire. A two-year extension of the Bush tax cuts? No problem, Mr. Trump. A cutback of the horribly unfair estate tax? Have some more caviar, Mr. Gates. Time magazine’s Person of the Year? It’s our honor, Mr. Zuckerberg. Taxes still too high? Just move your business out of America, Mr. Manufacturer — and be sure to enjoy the cheap labor in Mexico.
Isn’t it ridiculous how the middle class keeps waging warfare on America’s rich? It’s Christmas, so please enjoy this picture of what the rich are giving to the rest of us:
You won’t find a bigger Beatles fan than Yours Truly, but after watching 68-year-old Paul McCartney croak last week on Saturday Night Live … well, let’s just acknowledge that we ain’t at The Cavern Club anymore.
What the hell is wrong with this man?
What happens when you watch too many movies? You could wind up flat on the floor and looking foolish, like Florida school board member Ginger Littleton, who apparently thought she was The Bionic Woman when she swung her purse at a man twice her size.
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