Rampart See Woody snarl. See Woody cry. See Woody puke. This is an “actors’ movie” if ever there was one, and Harrelson is very good as a crooked L.A. cop, but you still need a story, and Rampart’s plot is threadbare and unpleasant. Release: 2011 Grade: C
Corman’s World For decades, Roger Corman has been Hollywood’s crazy uncle, the embarrassing relation who tells dirty jokes at dinner and insists on shots of whiskey for dessert. Corman made B movies, but his list of protégés is impressively A-list. Jack Nicholson and Martin Scorsese are just two of the Corman graduates who pay tribute in this entertaining, clip-filled documentary. Corman himself never graduated to the Hollywood big-time — a fact not really explained in this movie. Release: 2011 Grade: B
Asylum Blackout My bar is at ground level for low-budget horror movies, but this one isn’t half-bad. Here is what Asylum has going for it: 1) characters with some depth; not a whole lot of depth, but more than we usually get when kids hang out at cabins in the woods (in this case, the kids are trapped in a mental hospital when the power goes out); 2) some genuine suspense; 3) an intelligent screenplay, albeit a tad too smart for its own good near the end; 4) ominous settings; and 5) a good, creepy villain. Release: 2011 Grade: B
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