Monthly Archives: May 2017


Weirdo David Lynch is back, delighting us – or torturing us, depending on your point of view – with an update of his 1990s TV series Twin Peaks. What can I say about David Lynch, the confounding auteur from Montana?

I loved his Blue Velvet because the movie was Goldilocks Lynch: It had just the right amount of the surreal, just the right amount of logic. But in other films Lynch’s stew is too exotic for my taste; his bizarre-to-rational balancing act is too heavy on the former.

I did not see Twin Peaks the series nor the feature film that came out in 1992, so I’m probably not qualified to review the Showtime update. For example, I am clueless about the new drama’s backstory. It’s hard enough to follow the peculiar residents of Twin Peaks, Washington, without knowing the history of the “Log Lady” or Laura Palmer. 

Hence, no review here, but rather some random impressions after I viewed the first three episodes: Peaks


Not surprisingly, critics are falling over themselves in praise of the show. But you have to wonder how many of them gave a thumbs’ up because they know that if they don’t, they’ll be accused by rabid fans of being too stupid to “get it” – whatever “it” is.

And so, is my thumb up or down? Well, I like the show, but can’t say that I love it. It’s visually arresting, often humorous, and never dull. But I have too much respect for story, and I get the impression that Lynch does not. He’d just as soon toss nonsense at us for the sake of tossing nonsense at us, and then call it a day.



Actress Madeline Zima, whose bare bottom figures prominently in the premiere, was born on Sept. 16. I was born on Sept. 16. In honor of our birthdays, here are some pictures of Madeline in her birthday suit: Zima Zima Zima


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Everyone is calling Trump investigator Robert Mueller “well respected.”

That’s what they said about James Comey. That’s what they say about a lot of these guys right before the shit hits the fan.




If they go ahead and impeach Donald, we’ll all have to admit that he certainly increased ratings – and I’m sure we can all agree that’s the most important thing.


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Share Devane


William Devane was on my TV. Again.

I thought, surely I can’t be the only one ready to take Devane’s gold and silver and put them where the sun don’t shine. I thought, if ever the masses finally grab their pitchforks and seek out the “One Percent,” certainly the first name on their list will be William Devane.

For years now, Devane and his smug countenance have been harassing me on my television, usually on Fox News, making me feel bad because I don’t have Devane’s private plane, wall safe, piles of gold, or tee times.

To my relief, an Internet search confirmed that I am not alone in my distress:


I don’t think those Rosland Capital commercials starring William Devane are having the desired response. If I have to watch one more TV spot where he’s flying his plane, sitting in his gorgeous home with his massive fireplace, or riding his horse on his expansive ranch, I’m just not sure what I’ll do. – Reel Life with Jane


Whenever I watch the Fox News Channel I automatically hit the mute button on the remote as soon as I see William Devane’s commercial come on.

Each and every spot starts the same way, with Devane engaged in some rich guy activity such as playing golf, horseback riding or flying his private jet. Then he turns, looks into the camera and says, “Hi, I’m William Devane.”

The trick is to grab for the remote and switch on the mute button before he can get past “Hi.”

Then, as if Devane’s natural smirk and smarminess wasn’t enough, the sponsor makes it even worse by putting this guy in rich-looking environments like country clubs, and gentleman farmer ranches.”  – Jewish World Review


There is more to these desperate pleas for relief from William Devane. You can read them here and here.


** Bill


© 2010-2025 (text only)


by Molly Haskell Spielberg


I’m of two minds about Steven Spielberg. I share the general belief that he’s a brilliant showman. I think that Jaws, for example, might be the best adventure film ever made. On the other hand, I hold Spielberg largely – if indirectly – responsible for the sorry state of Hollywood today, with its glut of “franchise” movies and over-emphasis of special effects. Not to mention studios’ “will teenage boys like it?” marketing mentality.

The publisher was wise to assign this short-but-insightful Spielberg biography to Haskell, a renowned critic who appreciates the filmmaker’s talent and influence but is not, by her own admission, a die-hard fan. Haskell’s chapters are chronological, linking Spielberg’s personal life and evolution to the plots and themes of his movies. I didn’t always agree with her evaluations, but her prose is unfailingly thought-provoking.

To me, the book is most interesting in the chapters about early Spielberg, when the wunderkind was setting the world on fire with energetic, imaginative blockbusters like Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Raiders of the Lost Ark. Later films like Empire of the Sun, Amistad, and Lincoln might hold more appeal for a serious analyst like Haskell, but I’ve always felt that when it comes to a Steven Spielberg movie, popcorn is more palatable than polemics.


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Manchester by the Sea Manchester


Hollywood bad boy Casey Affleck won a well-deserved Oscar for his performance as a traumatized janitor in this drama about tragedy overwhelming a working-class family in Massachusetts, but man … if there’s a better actress working in film today than Michelle Williams, who in one five-minute scene delivers an emotional knockout punch, I’m not sure who it might be. Release: 2016 Grade: A-


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Share GOP


The thing that bothers me about this photo of Trump and Republicans celebrating their health-care bill is the scarcity of white males. Must “diversity” rule everywhere?





Someone needs to inform Fox’s Martha MacCallum that we can all hear her when she mumbles and mutters to her producer during interviews.

It’s very peculiar. Her guest will be speaking, and in the background we can hear Martha’s “uh-huhs,” “mmms,” and “ahhhs” – apparently directed at someone speaking into her earpiece.





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